
How do I convert to biodiesel?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 1990 Jeep Wrangler. I drive A LOT, and half of my paycheck goes to d**n Gas & Oil companies. Ive been looking up info on biodiesel and it sounds like the way to go. I need to save money, and help the environment. Is there a way of making my Jeep biodiesel? And how much will this cost me?




  1. you don't need to convert it unless you are going to run on pure bio diesel. you can in the summer months run on a mix of diesel and bio up to 75% bio and in the winter months go down to 33% bio. the other way is run on pure bio and put a pre heater in the fuel line due to the bio getting thicker when cold.some people even put a small heater in the tank .

    the main thing to do before useing bio is if you are making it yourself you need to register with the customs and excise to allow you to use it as a fuel even if you buy it at the supermarket , but if you buy bio then the seller will have paid the dues for it

    hope this helps , if you need more info i can send some links to clubs where there is a lot of info on it


  2. plant jathura plant in your home. this will reduce cost of petrol

  3. No conversion is needed if you wish to swith from pure diesel to biodiesel.

    Just replace those rubber fuel lines with metal ones as biodiesel is known to wear rubber fuel lines down.

    It may not be suitable in winter though. But you could always switch from biodiesel back to diesel and vice versa anytime you want.

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