
How do I cure homesickness?

by Guest33018  |  earlier

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I have never been away from home and I have moved from Georgia to Washington DC to go to school. Any suggestions are welcome.




  1. Stay in contact with your family as much as possible. Meet new people, individuals from your hometown to help you with the transition. See your school counselor. I am pretty sure a lot of students have the same problem. (See source) See if there is a club at your school for students with this problem. Just remember that you are going to school to better yourself and that your family will be very proud of you once you finish your school accomplishments.


  2. Call home and talk to your family for awhile

  3. When you have free time, make a scrapbook of all your family.  Also, go buy one of those digital picture frames to put up.  Also, try and schedule at least a day or two out of the month where your family gathers and you talk with them on confrence (speaker phone on).  Good luck!! Get out and mingle!!  

  4. Be patient.  Most people are homesick the first time they leave home for school.  Get involved in as many school activities as you can so that you meet lots of other students.  You will start to feel better in time and keep dates in mind when you are able to come home.  Knowing it's only a few more weeks or days till you get home can help too.

  5. keep yourself real busy and goals in mind.  Sure enough you'll be home for vacations/breaks.  Think of your school as a time for goals in your life that you set out for the temporary(school hopefully doesn't last forever) and your home as a permanent thing that will always be there so you can leave it behind for just this while while you focus on yourself for this brief time.  Sorry for long winded answer.

  6. if your family members have a myspace page you should get it.  

  7. Get some friends and get out at night! Have fun with your life...

    YOUR FREE!!!

  8. Call your family every other night, or every night, talk to them. That should help, but also stock your new home with similar foods you had in your old home, and try and make it look similar! May sound stupid but it should work. :]

  9. Call home when you can, try to make lots of new friends so that it will take your mind off of thinking of home. If anyone else is in Washington that you know try going to meet them. I know when I moved away, it helped me to surround myself with people that I knew... but I went to school in state.

    I feel your pain. You will get over it eventually. I feel for ya, and good luck :-)

  10. I felt the same way awhile ago. What worked for me is to keep myself busy. Call family more then once a day if you really miss them. Making new friend to help you and perhaps share the same feelings you have with them. Maybe get a pet dog they can help ease...:)

    Good Luck

  11. Call your family! This helps so much! It comforts you. Speak to someone in your family you really miss.

  12. I've been playing too much Earthbound when I think "If you call mom or teleport home it'll cure it"

  13. Go pick up some of the guidebooks and make a list of things you'd like to do in the area.  Take pictures and share them with your family and friends.

    Look at activities that your school offers and join the ones you're interested in.  That way you'll meet people with the same interests and make friends.  Take pictures and share them with your family and friends.

    If you see the key there it's finding things you like about the new area and then sharing them with the people you left behind.  You can also invite the people from home to come and visit to try all these new things you now know about and get a more personal jolt of home that way.

  14. GET BUSY! it doesn't matter with what, just keep yourself busy. your in Washington, go sightseeing, get involved with school activities. enjoy the college experience...go meet people, put yourself out there for others to get to know. Georgia is another world, this is the time to find out about you and what you can do. homesickness is normal, but you cant sit there and get down.hope this helps

  15. take a picture there and anything that reminds u of home

  16. Go Home.

  17. try not to think about being "home"  washington is your new home. maybe you should try to get a roommate? (if you don't have one)

    oh yeah and try different things everyday- don't do the same thing you did in georgia (:

  18. call ur family everyday.

  19. go out with friends,or your bf

  20. go home, like make time to visit. or web cam with someone from gergia that you know you'll be able to see them.

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