
How do I do it?!!?.........?

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How do I go from being a fatty to a nice body? I am 5'1 and 160 lbs. I am 23 yrs old. ♥




  1. do lots of cardio. It will help you burn calories, and keep your cardio-vascular system in tip-top shape. Try running at least a mile every couple of days for a week or two. Then switch it up. Do some swimming, or cycling. This keeps your body from adapting to the stress of the same work out therefor keeping it working. It also keeps you from loosing intrest. I am a firm believer in activity. Pills and diets may help you loose weight, but they wont make you healthy. Health is worth more than looks anyday.

    "Don't compromise yourself, you're all you've got." -Janis Joplin

  2. Dave is very right! My body is spectacular, but I don't eat much and definitely no fast food. I can only have like 2 drinks when I go out, and I spend 2 hours in the gym everyday. Maybe taking a day or 2 off. It's hard work but if it's something you really want it's easy to find the will power!

  3. You already know the answer. ::wink::

    I think you are a hotty, not a fatty.

  4. diet

    and cut out the diet sodas,sugar, caffeine, salt, and fried foods.

  5. All you need to do is eat less, exercise more.  Do long hard endurance work-outs like running.  Or if that bores you than do a sport that requires a lot of running like basketball, soccer or ultimate frisbee.

    Also studies show that sleeping more will allow you to lose weight.  Good luck!

  6. I loss 20 pounds in 1 month. I use the Alli Program (Pills) and I eat: Breakfast; 300 Calories and 9 Total Fat. Lunch; 300 Calories and 9 Total Fat. Dinner; 400 Calories and 12 Total Fast. I don't eat any snacks. And I do Treadmill (Walk) 30 minutes. Try it and you see the difference soon. Good Luck!

  7. a lot of hard work in the gym and discipline in the kitchen  

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