
How do I get clear skin?!?

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I know this question is soooooo over-worked here but, I'm so sick and tired of having to spend so much energy worrying about my face.

I know I'm a pretty attractive guy, but the fact that my skin is always breaking out really ruins my self confidence. I know most guys say they don't care, but we just don't want to admit it.

I would say I have moderate acne, but on the heavy side of the moderate rating (if that makes sense?). I have blackheads on my nose, whiteheads on my cheek bone, chin, and forehead area, along with cists around my nose, on my upper lip, on my cheeks, and upper forehead.

I know most people don't notice every singe one of these, but I just want it at a level that appears clear and healthy. I worry that people think I don't take care of myself or wash my face, which the opposite is true: I'm actually a really clean person.

Should I start Proactive? Or go to the dermatologist? Despite every product I use, I can still see a regular break out cycle (one of which I just entered) which is very frustrating. I even drink extra water and use lotion and everything. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! I don't over-wash my face because it's only twice a day....I'm fed up lol.




  1. Make sure you clean your skin before you do any of this stuff. Lever 2000 or any kind of antibacterial soap like that works, because you want your skin to be clean and free of most of the bacteria before you start layering on medicine.

    The OXY bar soap is good for oily skin and it's a pretty gentle cleaser, but it's hard to get now that stores have been selling it less.

    The Neutrogena Wave works well for treatment and prevention, if you buy it use freezing water.

    For your whiteheads and pimples you've popped, use Polysporin or another first aid antibiotic ointment, because it heals the place without drying it out. Be careful though to only use it on the worse ones, and not too much.

    BenzaClin is a prescription medicine you use during the day on a wider range of problem spots. It dries out your skin and helps acne.

    If you don't have problems with dry skin, Differin, another prescription medicine works. Clearsil Ultra pads are good and you can find them in any store, but they can dry out your skin, so be careful.

    You don't want to use too many products at once, especially layering on creams, because it just makes it worse. So don't use multiple drying products.

  2. Go to a dermatologist , The doctor is able to prescribe something for your face  

  3. ok, so I used PROACTIVE- NEVER helped!

    then I used CLINIQUE- helped, but no that good...

    now I'm using WEXLER thingy- it HELPED a lot!!!!

    trust me! their cleansers DO help and also Exfoliating Glyco peel system is the best! I never had such a great relatives and friends noticed that after I was using it for about 5 REALLY DOES can get it at Bath & Body Work...just try it..

  4. i wouldn't rely on other people's experiences with Proactiv or other products mainly because everyone's skin is different. What might not have worked for them may work wonders for you.

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