
How do I get noticed?

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I am a 12 year old singer, and i want to get recognized ASAP! But how? Any tips or advice would be great thanx!




  1. You have to PERFORM where people can see you and that means going to AUDITIONS... being cute will get you into an audition, but after that it takes TALENT... and you will be competing with people who DO have talent.

    Subscribe to and you will find out where all the auditions are.

  2. You have to outstand from the crowd. You have to be really good and make the crowd go wild, then with a spark of luck, someone important can be watching, and they will hopefully contact you at the end of your show. Tell your mom and dad if they can take you to different places where they'll let you sing, and hopefully something will happen. Talk to mom and dad first. Best of luck.

  3. take a camp/class! if its a really good one then you could be discovered by an agent! or you could wait a few years since your really young and audition for americas got talent or american idol!
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