
How do I get opera auditions?

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I want to sing with an Opera company - how do I get started?!? I have a great resume and many years experience (7 years, actually) in community theater doing big roles (I have been the lead in at least 25 shows), but I am not through with college yet - although I am 27. My voice is at a place where I can start getting jobs, but I don't know how to go about doing it! I do have a teacher, but, of course I realize that it is not part of their job to get me jobs - still I am lost. And they are no help at all, even thought they tell me I am more than ready to start singing for people - but they won't commit on an opinion to give me as to how to start out. Help!!!




  1. Having been involved with both Seattle Opera, and Orlando Opera, I advise, you obviously should know a performance schedule 1 season ahead of time. That could equate to hundreds of houses in the USA alone, and as many in other countries.

      Many have a cast of R.A.'s, "Resident Artists" essentially similar to internships, and the larger houses will call, solicit, invite Name Stars, but there are open auditions as well. Then in your list of every Opera company on the planet, you'll send a resume, a head shot, a DVD of your work, and hope for a call. In a general search you can find Opera registries on line, and begin your task.  I might advise starting within a relatively small radius from your location, OR choose a location that might suit you, and send out the required info.

       BTW, many here, and I say this with respect, will tell you "AGENT",,,big sigh.  Obviously your a few notches above a novice, and might, with suggested efforts, get responses at the very least, if not a call to audition.

       Might you often be rejected? Possibly, or even less, may never be acknowledged by some companies, but an analogy I offer is, "One cannot win a Lottery, if one does not buy a ticket."

       I wish you well.

    S. Wolf

    Just my 2 "scents"

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