
How do I limit the electronics?

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My kids get so upset if they cannot watch TV, play the computer, or play their game-boy. When I don't let them do those things there are some serious tears. How can I get them more active and love it? If you could help me that would be great! Thank you so much!




  1. Just stand your ground when you say no. Try changing the subject like taking them outside to play around or go for  a walk around the park or something like that. Take their minds completely off the electronics. They may still have a few tears but that will change when they find out something more cool is going on.

  2. You have to officially find something they enjoy more, and its not like its a lifelong phase, they will realize that it gets quite boring after a while. Just try and find some sport/activity they enjoy more.

  3. Well, first of all realize that it is going to be hard to break the habit but it can be done-just stick with whatever method you decide to go with.

    I have a 10 year old and an 8 year old.  We have Super Nintendo and a Nintendo Wii, and we also have Gameboys.  Super Nintendo is ONLY brought out on rainy/sick days.  Gameboys are ONLY used for long car trips or when we know we are going to have a long wait somewhere.  The Nintendo Wii is used sometimes for a family activity, but we also use the Sports for excercise (we homeschool)-the Boxing, especially, is very physically exerting.  I LOVE the physical interaction that the Wii requires.

    Computer time-as for the internet-is with adult supervision only.

    Software games can be played on the computer with permission.  Most of our games are educational, and even the ones that are not offer benefits for my son who shows signs of Dyspraxia-it helps him develop hand/eye coordination and some motor skills.

    Television is also limited in our household, and when they have access to the television it is NOT shows like Spongebob Squarepants.  Thankfully, my children prefer Animal Planet, How It's Made, and s****. Doo (which, while not educational is not violent and usually proves that monsters are fake, the bad guy is always caught-I like it).

    My children get an allowance.  They purchase electronic time-only their radio/cd player are free.  Everything else costs $1/half hour (unless it is family time or educational).  Not only does this keep them from sitting in front of the television or computer all day, but it also makes them very selective about how they spend that time.

    They can earn cash or electronic time by doing extra chores, which helps me out as well.

    To get them more active, provide a lot of fun things for them to do-sidewalk chalk, bubbles, water sprinklers, etc.  Let them stage bicycle races, set up an obstacle course in the back yard, have balls and jumpropes, etc. on hand.  Enroll them in an activity of their choice-baseball, karate, gymnastics, swimming...there are a lot of options.

    I hope this helps!  Good luck.

  4. exactly

    I used to sit on my butt all day and then, when I got involved with sports I didn't really have time for electronic.

    I was jumping on my tramp more and being active but most important I was feeling better

  5. Set a limit on their electronics time (1 hour per day). They can split the hour however they desire (spend it all on TV and none on the others, or evenly) but once the hour is gone, they are not allowed to play anymore on them. If they go over, their time is gone for the next day. Then send them out the door to play!

  6. Kids get upset when they don't get what they want...everyone wants their kids to be happy, but every child needs limits..its up to you to stand firm in this. it is a good decision. they will just have to resort to their imagination. they will figure it the meantime your going to havee to deal with a little drama till they do. stay strong..if you give in your limits and rules you want that?

  7. electronics are a part of daily life today. however, it's still not the healthiest option. you should try integrating other fun activities into their lives... sports, friends (take them bowling, hiking, etc. with friends... don't let them play video games with them), family time (board games... old fashioned but this can be fun if rare. try monopoly or life), or try buying a trampoline. you could also take them to a pool, have a picnic, etc. be creative.  

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