
How do I order a cappuccino?

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I used to LOVE McDonald's cappuccino's. The, they switched to the "premium blends" version. This new cappuccino tastes extremely bitter and disgusting. It is also 4 times the price. I think they started brewing it using milk and espresso instead of the machine like they used to.

Since that time, I have tried ordering cappuccinos in numerous other locations only to be presented with espresso poured into foamed milk. I understand that this is what a cappuccino actually is, but that doesn't mean the old favorite drink of mine should be impossible to get. I've been having to just drink plain coffee with sweetened, flavored creamer added in, but it does not taste anywhere near as good.

so my question is this: How do i order a cappuccino in a way that will give me my old favorite instead of useless dirt flavored sh**?

P.S. I have tried adding sugar and whatnot but that just makes it taste like sh** mixed with sugar and possibly french vanilla. Also, it still tastes horrible even if I specify french vanilla.

P.S.S. As a matter of fact, I don't know how to order anything from Starbucks more complicated than saying "coffee".




  1. Order an "Au lait" pronounced (Oh-lay). If you are at Starbucks order a "Cafe Misto" pronounced (Me-s-toe) You might be asked what kind of milk u want, just say regular is fine. Maybe ask them to add a shot or two of vanilla. The drink is half coffee and half steamed milk.

    Good luck

  2. starbucks

  3. how about saying cappuccino instead of just saying coffee! duhhh.

  4. Why not find a starbucks and ask them how they make cappuchino and that you liked the way they used to be and can't find one now that you like.  Ask them if they know the reason they used to be better. Maybe you will find your answer.  Good luck.

  5. you lost me

  6. just say you want your old d**n cappuccino  

  7. try gas station french vanilla cappuccino. starbucks cappuccino isn't that good, but you might like their white chocolate mocha.

  8. It sounds like they have been giving you half coffee. That just means Half milk half coffee.

    A cafe latte is espresso with steamed milk. In lattes, the milk is frothier. Or you could get a macchiato is a an espresso with just a bit of milk foam, but it is just a variation of the latte.

    A drink "con panna" means adding whipped cream to your coffee. This is not unlike adding heavy whipping cream and a dash of sugar. It amounts to a sweeter, creamier coffee drink. Seriously Delicious. But just ask for extra sugar and whipped cream. Real if they have it.

    Also, never underestimate asking the server. Explain what you want and then they might have a suggestion.

    The big chains are okay, but find a local coffee shop that's been around since forever, and they are the best. Have a biscotti and you've got yourself a date!

  9. just tell them what kind you want

    or search for it in google

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