
How do I patent something? ?

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I want to start my own small business from home, selling items I make on the internet. (Who doesn't, right)? Anyways, I want to have my own DBA name - also want to patent my brand. How do I go about doing this or where can I find helpful information? Best answer gets 10 points!





  1. The best way is to get a patent attorney.  Look in your yellow pages under "attorney - patent"

  2. I just had to get a DBA and patent on an item, the easiest way that I found (and it was a little cheaper) was to go to  

    They do everything! Hope it helps:)


  3. What you really need to do is a TradeMark search and copywrite the Brand Name.  This is done through the same set or different set of lawyers.  

    Getting a Patent is for an invention of machinery or application of a machine.  Be advised that the rules on patents have changed.  Ideas involving "common knowledge" that are not revolutionary to the industry is no longer patetable.  So of you have a quirky design that just about anyone can think of, it is not patentable.

    If the design is for artistic not mechanical applications, then you want to copywrite it.

    To learn more from a jacked up goverenment website, visit the US Patent and Trademark Office ast

    Keep in mind that lawyers cost money.  It's tricky when you dont have any, you have to put your wares on the market to get money.  But dispalying wares without a copywrite or trademark will eventually get your designs stolen.

  4. I think the best way to make real money online is to have your own product or a product that you own the rights (License) to.  You can have your own product by:

      1- Creating a product (eBook, Software, Report, Article, Graphics, etc), but this will take you hundreds of hours of product creation.

      2- Acquiring the Master Resell Rights to a product(s), so you can sell the product and keep all the money in your account.  Don’t worry about Sales Materials (sales page, thank you page, graphics, etc) you will find Master Resell Rights products with Sales Material included.

      3- Acquiring the Master Resell Rights to Private Label Rights products. This let you make money by selling the products; also, you can make some extra money by inserting your affiliate links into the report, eBook or software that you have private label rights to. Private Label Rights are very flexible and you can do a lot with them. Also, many private label rights come with Sales Materials, so all you have to do is: upload to your server and start promoting your own product.

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