
How do I....?!?

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I am so sick of the government jerking me around!! I just registered to vote 8mths ago and have already been called to jury duty 3 times!! We have a VERY small town! lol Anyway, how do I cancel my registration to vote in Mississippi?? I have looked everywhere and even sent the Secretary of the State an email, with no response!!

So, how do I cancel my voter's privalege in Mississippi?!




  1. Once you register you are always registered unless you move out of state or you are convicted of a felony and are in prison or on probabtion for it. You must have a very small pool of eligible jurors to be called this often. Sounds like you need to get in touch with your local officials to see what can be done about this frequent jury call.

  2. Don't vote in the next general election (2008).

    Still, I think it's a sad statement that you would give up your voting rights just to get out of jury duty.  I'm not even sure it would work anyway.  Then again, I'm the kind of person that likes to vote and serve on juries whenever I am given the opportunity.

  3. I do not think you can.  

    That shocks me.  I have been registered to vote for a few decades, and have only been called twice in my life.

  4. Don't know how to cancel your registration but you really should participate in jury duty. I was foreman of a jury in a criminal case and it was a real education as well as being extremely interesting. And once that is out of the way you'll probably want to vote. Can't gripe about the government if you don't do your best to shape and mold it into something better.

  5. Fran !

    Don't please your vote could change the future !

    Yes resposibility sucks big time, I know !

    Go to and enter patent number 5,430,333.

    There you will see pollution free electric power able to be built to be more than 1000 times that of our largest Nuclear Reactor!

    Plant Vogtle, our last Nuclear Reactor makes only 930 megawatts.

    The first generation “baby” power plants from this new technology makes 1000 megawatts.

    Vogtle cost $10 billion, 30 years ago.

    These new power plants cost $2.5 billion in today’s money.

    Vogtle is about to be retired, as are all our other Nuclear plants.

    All the fueled power plants only have about a 30 life span.

    The power plant design you will see at patent office site live well over 100 years.

    They burn NO fuel what so ever!

    It costs more to demolish a Nuclear plant than to build one new!

    The spent Nuclear fuel has a 25,000 year storage problem with no solution yet, and a tremendous cost that defies accurate estimation due to the very long time frame.

    Nuclear power has been estimated to cost more $50.00 per kilowatt hour when the demolition and storage costs are applied.

    Guess who gets to foot that bill, the tax payer!

    Being fuel-less the design you see at the patent office has a cost of about 3 cents per kilowatt hour.

    Coal fired power plants make 8 lbs of air pollution to run 100 watt light bulb for an hour.

    There are NO cost estimations for the clean up of all that pollution.

    We keep seeing in the news about coal miners dieing in cave-ins.

    With the high cost of electric power being hidden for so long by our politicians using their abysmally poor judgment to allow this to happen in the first place.  Then compounding the problem with their constant lying about it to all of us, and the problem now coming to light despite their best efforts to lie and hide it.  We are now stuck with the costs of their abysmally poor judgment after their being “paid” by big power to lie to us about the scope of this problem for decades.  

    Call all your elected official state, local, and federal.  Tell them you want the pollution free electric power you saw at the patent office web site!  Tell them to get off their assets and get moving on making pollution free and cheaper electric power happen ASAP!

    Or swallow their lies so more until our nation is so polluted our children die younger than ever before.  Cancer is running rampant everywhere, it comes from all the pollution our elected officials are allowing to be spewed into “our” environment every day.  It time to put pollution into it’s proper place, “THE PAST”!

    We now have the technology, we can build it, it’s 100% clean, and the electric power is cheaper than ANY fueled power plant.

  6. I seriously would not cancel your voter registration. Besides most counties do not utilize voter registration alone to call citizens for jury service. So you may see no difference. Most places use motor vehicle records and other sources to create there list of those to summon for jury service.

  7. Please don't "unregister" to vote!  Since the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1996, states stopped drawing on voter registration rolls for jury pools.  Now they use driver's license registration instead.

    You don't say how old you are, nor how long you've had a driver's license, but if you've recently turned 18 but have had your DL since you were 16, you might be getting hit for jury duty simply because you're "new blood" for the pool.  The same thing happened to me shortly after my 18th birthday when I became "eligible" for jury duty.

    If you still insist on unregistering, simply contact your local elections office (possibly the clerk of courts in some jurisdictions) and ask them, in writing, to be removed from the voter rolls.

  8. You don't. Just tell them that you are a racist, hate g**s, and that all criminals no matter what the crime should get the death penalty! That will usually make you a bad candidate to be a juror!
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