
How do I quit my job? ?

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I feel really dumb for asking.....

How do I quit my job? I mean like what should I say to my manager? I don't want to work anymore period. I know I'm supposed to put in two weeks notice but i can't stand it anymore. It's just way too much for me to handle with my homework and school. The last week I've only gotten 5 hours a sleep at night at the most. Then I got through the whole day just bitchy and tired, just waiting for someone to do something wrong and make me snap.

I have a shift for tomorrow but I absolutely want to avoid that at all cost. I'd rather see my dog get run over with a car (which is devastatingly horrible) than work.

Any suggestions?




  1. just tell your manager that you cannot do the job anymore, he should understand if you tell him why, but leave the five hours sleep bit out lol. when i had a paper round i was delivering around 400 papers a day for the herald & post and i couldnt do it anymore it was so tiring. i just told the manager or whoever that it was tiring me out and that it interfered with my school work. Hope this helps.

    Good luck x*x

  2. I think your school is more important. Tell your manager the situation. I feel he or she will understand. If you want the job back ask for a leave of absense. This will give you an opportunity to return if you desire. Just do not burn the bridge. Its funny but even in a part-time job your reputation follows you.

    The truth is always best. Especially for your dog. Do not lie and say your dog was injured as another person suggested. . This is not as big of a deal that you probably have led yourself to believe.

    Relax- Take some time out and concentrate on your grades and give your pet a treat.

  3. Well Ive had many employees over the years and what I suggest is this take a shift or to off, tell your manager that your dog got ran over and you need some time to recover hehe, get some rest, never make important decisions when your tired and burned out...then if you don't think you can continue with the job set down and tell your boss the situation with school etc. ask him if he needs you to give two weeks notice he may say no problem I have someone else that can start...but if he says he needs the notice do your best to stick it out but tell him or her? you need a schedule change or your going to fail an important class. Just be open and honest, don't flake out and walk then you cant use them as a reference later when you need a job.

    I hope this helps

  4. If you really can't do the two weeks or even a couple days notice, just call and say a some family thing has come up that will require your immediate assistance and you can't work and go to school and help w/the family matters, and that as much as you would like to give a notice, this situation doesn't make it possible that you will need to resign immediately as of today.

    HR Manager

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