
How do I trap my hamster?

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I was out of town and my dad was looking after my hamster. Well, he came down with his girlfriend and the rest of my family, leaving the careless child-sitter to look after my baby. [I have never liked her... grrr]. Anyway, of course she got out. I'm not sure how long she's been out, and I have a pretty large house... Any suggestions on how to catch her?




  1. Ugghhh give it what it likes best and it should come to you =]

  2. Put food in a bottle and the hamster will sense the food. The entrance of the bottle must be as least big enough for your hamster to struggle in. Put the food close to the entrance. And then maybe your hamster will have hard time coming out.

    Hope this helps. And also check the bottle once in a while so that yu know that your hamster didn't get the food and escape too.

  3. That's to bad, hamsters are very quiet, small and good at hiding! but they are also nocturnal, so one night stay up till its dark and search the whole house. she will probably be out and about at night so it will be easier. try putting some strawberries or something see likes on a humane trap or just putting the food in a tipped over bucket and watch. Also leave out little shallow bowls of water for her to drink. Oh, and leave her cage open on the floor so she can climb into it.... I hope you find your hammy!

  4. Oh, that's simple. Get a bucket, fill it with food. Don't forget to make a ramp that your hamster can walk up to get to the food. Put the bucket outside at door that you think your hamster might be in. Make sure not to close any doors, we don't want any one to get trapped... praise your hamster when it gets back, and make sure to give it lots of lovin'


  5. Leave treats in the middle of the floor and check in dark places for her, if she's not tame then you can put a bucket over her to stop her from running off and then stick a kitchen roll tube in front of her, chances are she'll run in to it, then when she comes out the other end you can put it in her cage.

  6. You should leave her cage open on the floor with food inside.

    On top of that, you should put down some humane traps with food or sweet treats in and check them after every night.

    Also, wait until late at night in silence and see if you can hear her.

    You can also try checking dark spaces- under your bed, behind counters etc.- to see if she's down there.

  7. Get her favorite food(s) and put them in a few trays, then put the trays in different areas of the room that you think your hamster will go to. She'll eventually smell them and will go for the food when she's hungry. Check on the food trays frequently to see if your hamster is there...and use a mix of fresh fruits/veggies and dry hamster food mix for the lures!

    Also consider trying getting a box that your hamster would fit in, a ruler, and some food that your hamster likes to make a trap... prop the box up with the ruler, then put the food under the cup...your hamster is probably going to knock over the ruler to get the food, then the box will fall over her =]

  8. I had to trap my hamster a few days ago.  I know exactly what you're going through.

    Take a 5 gallon bucket or an aquarium and put some bedding in the bottom.  Take your hamsters favorite treat and put it in the bottom of the aquarium or bucket.  Build a set of steps out of books up to the edge, when the hamster climbs the "steps" and jumps in, it's'll need to set this up where ever you hear movement inside the house.  

    I just happen to go into my kitchen the night I caught my hamster, she was coming out from behind the stove.

  9. Leave a trail of hamster treats leading to your cage. near corners also leave treats. I hope you find your hamster!!!

  10. Check all of your cupboards!!!

    I have had 3 hamsters and i have an open plan sitting room and kitchen and my hamster was in the sitting room, then it escaped!!!

    My first one i found in my bread and potato cuboard on ground level munching on a spud!!

    And the second one i found in the same cupboard and when she escped again she ended up in my cutlery drawer which is at the top!!!

    So look IN everything not just under it!!!

    Good luck!!

  11. just leave her, you wouldn't want 2 kill her if u loved her, she'll go back to the cage eventually.

  12. Leave Notes Around The House Telling Him How Much You Miss Him. Play A Sad Song On The Harmonica. And Hop For The Best. Luck Toy Ya

  13. leave food in the middle of a room and wait. put it in your bedroom or somewhere you spend a lot of time and can see easily so you can see when she comes, do it in a few rooms. this is what i did i live in a bigger house also

  14. A bucket trap is an effective method to catch a lost hamster.

    I'd also put her cage down on the floor with an entry into it. Depending on how your cage is designed this can be as easy as opening the door or you may have to get more creative with tubes or book steps. Your hamster may have been without water for awhile now, so make sure there is fresh water in her bottle for her to come home to.

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