
How do Spiders produce Web.?

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How do Spiders produce Web.?




  1. The spiders that weave webs use silk to do this. They make the silk out of their own bodies and jump from tree branch to tree branch to make their web. Each kind of spider makes a different kind of web. Some of the strands in the web are sticky, to catch bugs, but some are dry. The spider walks on the dry strands so she doesn’t get stuck. The spider usually waits in the center of the web, with one of her legs touching a strand. If she feels the strands jiggle, she goes to find the bug that is caught in the web. If it is just a leaf, or a really big bug that could tear up the web, the spider will cut the strands holding it, so it will fall out of the web. If she needs to rebuild a web, she will eat the broken strands and digest them. This helps her make more new silk. Nothing is wasted. (Spider webs are so strong that some native peoples twist the webs to make fishing nets. Others use the web for bandaging wounds or for reducing fevers.)

  2. Dunno, but I will never kill another spider after watching Charllotes Web :-(

    I cried and cried :-( x


    Bless lol x

  3. Spider silk is a Protein.

    Spider DNA is transcribed into Complementary RNA then later Translated into Protein.

    The silk is Excreted voluntary as the spider moves about- eventually building a web of the spiders choice.

  4. omg! i was tring to think of questions id love to know the answer tooooo! and id love to know it cause there soo small!

    (well they are in the uk) sorry!

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