
How do apartment walk throughs work?

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My sister and I got cats about 2 years ago and we did not pay a pet deposit (oops) and one of our cats peed in the hall closet. We cleaned it really well and the smell is gone, the only thing is we are worried that once the carpet is ripped up they will notice. We have our walk through with the complex manager tomorrow. My question is, i doubt during the walk through the manager will even open that closet, but once we are moved out and they start cleaning can they fine us for damges they find AFTER the walk through? Or is whatever they find in the walk through all we get in troube for? (our apartment is spotless except for the closet). We are just worried since we did not pay the pet fee...




  1. Don't worry about it.  Once you do the walk-thru with the manager, they will sign off on the damage sheet.  They can't come back to you weeks, or months or years later when they take up the carpet.

    It wouldn't hurt to spray a little orange oil spray around...Good luck

  2. they can fine you for damages until you receive the deposit check.

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