
How do boxers take the punches?

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i want to now what exercises boxers do to take the punches 10 point to da person that gives me good exercises




  1. the best they can !

    some fighters have got what is referred to as soft chin or a glass jaw, no amount of sparring exercise whatever will change that in most cases its genetic but in others its drop the bundle time can give but don"t like it back.

    The stomach can be exercised.

  2. I boxed for 5 years. The only way to get used to taking punches is to take punches. Spar everyday.

  3. Sonny Liston used to stand on his head to strengthen his neck, which is sort of a shock absorber.  You can probably tie some weights to your neck to strengthen it, but Liston had his full bodyweight in play.  He took a clean shot from Cleveland Williams and hardly blinked.  He got knocked out in his final fight, with Leotis Martin, but he was pretty old then.

    You do need to practice taking some shots to get used to getting hit, but that's not something you want to practice too much.  If you're not used to getting hit, you may go down from a punch that shouldn't hurt you because you black out from the emotional shock of getting hit.  Just don't get too good at getting hit.

    Strengthen your neck.  Stand on your head or use weights, but work on your neck.

  4. adrenoline

  5. just punches

  6. Boxers train their necks with Neck bridges and neck harnesses with weights attached. Tyson, Holyfield, and many others spent at least 20 mins a day working on their necks to help absorb heavy shots to the head.  And a lot of shoulder shrugs! The secret my dad told me on how to take a punch was to never be scared of getting hit. It's gonna happen so relax and take it. When u get scared u tense up and that'll make it worse. Even with headgear on, after getting popped over 50 times, your face begins to numb up and u cant feel it anyways

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