
How do cramps form while running?

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How do cramps form while running?




  1. lactic acid.  to get rid of them drink alot of water and stretch

  2. In some cases, improper stretching causes the muscles to strain when put under duress.

    Lack of minerals to help with the chemical reactions can also causes the muscles to lock up

  3. 1. Improper Stretching

    2. Over hydrating

    3. Drinking an excess of water right before or during a run

    4. Potassium defficiancy

    5. Sodium deffciancy

    6. Improper Breathing

    7. Running Too Fast

    8. Not Being Hydrated Enough

    Trust me, all of this except lack of potassium and sodium has happened to me. Here's the quick fix to all of these though!

    1. You need to be properly stretched before a workout. You could end up causing a cramp in any number of muscles, so try to do stretches such as touch your toes, right leg over left leg and touch your toes, left leg over right leg and touch your toes, butterfly stretch, flamingo stretch, calf stretches, etc etc

    2. This is a common problem; over hydration. You are concious that you need to hydrate through the day, but you do it in excess because you think that you aren't hydrating enough. Don't drink water just because you think about it, drink some when you feel a bit thirsty. And if you can hear water sloshing in your stomach, that means you've had too much.

    3. Don't drink water right before a run! Maybe a sip is alright, but I like to drink water well before, then hardley drink any when I'm getting dressed or heading out the door. Too much water can cause major cramps, so try to avoid drinking right before you go out. Also, during the run, don't drink huge mouthful after huge mouthful. Take maybe one or two sips and continue, that should be enough.

    4. A good way to avoid this is fruit, especially bananas. If you have a good diet, where you eat fruit with every meal or drink smoothies with bananas in them, you can avoid lack of potassium. So try to eat as much fruit as you can.

    5. My dad used to fix this problem by eating salt. Yes, eating salt. He'd have maybe one salt packet before an extra long run, so that would help ward off cramps. But if you have potatoes, sprinkle in some salt. Or, better yet, eat Chex Mix for a nice salty snack. I've found that since I run more, I crave salt. Chex Mix is also good after a run, and can ease after run cramps.

    6. You may not be breathing correctly. If you run, and breathe only through your nose, you fill mostly your stomach with air. When your stomach is filled with air, cramps occur. So what I do is I breathe in through my nose, out through the mouth. This works great, and I fill my lungs up and not my stomach! I used to not breathe properly; I used to only breathe in through the nose, out through the nose. Then, I'd always get cramps. So make sure you are breathing correctly, so try some different techniques and see if your cramps ease.

    7. A common way for cramps to form is running too fast. Plus, if you don't breathe right or have a lot of water in you, this can make it worse. Sometimes you just can't run at a certain pace, so a cramp is a way for your body to say "I can't go at this pace, slow down!" To fix it, try slowing up a bit and see if your cramp eases.

    8. Sometimes being underhydrated can cause a cramp. Acutally, the other day I didn't drink enough water, so I had a cramp from the base of my stomach all the way up through my ribs. Let me tell you, this one HURT. I could barely breathe without a searing pain going through my stomach. It hurt so bad, I thought I was gonna cry! So just make sure you hydrate enough, but remember, not too much!!

    I hope this answers your question!! :]

  4. While running?  It's either because certain muscles arn't conditioned the same as others, therefore get stressed easier, conditioned meaning either streatched or as strong.  Or while running, cramps happen because the body gives certain muscles priority over others in what gets nutrients first.  Example is, you eat right before you run, you're going to get a stomach cramp because your body is suddenly having to concentrate on your legs needs, not your stomach's (which is also why enough running will make you throw up).

    After running, you cramp because excess lactic acid that what assisting your muscles with things like nutrients, heat, and friction needs suddenly doesn't have a job, so it just sits inbetween your muscles.  If it sits long enough it crystalizes, and the grinding of those crystals on your muscles is what creates the feeling of soarness.  Which is why stretching or massaging makes you feel better, because it breaks the crystals up, and they then flush out faster.

    That's why after I finish running, I like to lay next to a wall and prop my legs up at a 45 degree angle, that way all the extra blood and lactic acid flows back to where it's supposed to be.

  5. Lactic acid

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