
How do greenhouses produce gases?

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greenhouses raise plants, but how does it produce gas?




  1. plants take in the gas carbon dioxide and then produce the gas oxygen

  2. Ummm they do produce oxygen.... the plants inside the greenhouse that is.

    But I think you might be misinterpreting the term "greenhouse gases."

    The "greenhouse gases" are gases like CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane) and many others.  They are called "greenhouse" because they have a particular ability based upon their chemical structure that allows them to hold heat.  

    Therefore the "greenhouse" term refers not to the actual production of these gases in actual glass greenhouses.... but rather  it refers to the ability of these gases (CO2 & CH4) to trap and store heat LIKE a greenhouse does.  That is, you can grow vegetables in a greenhouse in the winter because the glass structure takes in sunlight and solar heat and traps it... so even if it's cold outside the greenhouse remains warm.  

    Same goes for our atmosphere here on earth.  It traps a certain amount of heat energy from the sun every single day.  If you ratchet up the amount of CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere that increases the atmosphere's ability to hold heat.... so for the same amount of solar heat received by the earth an atmosphere with high CO2 and CH4 will hold more heat and prevent the loss of that heat to space as would normally occur.

    For a good example, google the planet Venus.... note it's surface temperature (hot enought to melt lead) and it's atmospheric composition compared to ours...


  3. Photosynthesis of the plants.

    Carbon Dioxide+ Water = Glucose + Oxygen.

  4. the plants themselves is what produce the gases.  the greenhouses that they are in allows the sunlight to enter but does not allow the gases to escape.

  5. I don't think it means LITERALLY... I'm pretty uneducated on this subject, but I'll try. I actually think it's a metaphor for the earth. In a greenhouse things can come in, but none of it leaves. It's the same with the earth. All the Co2 is stuck in the atmosphere, it can't get out.

    If that wasn't what you were looking for, if you meant literally, then comepletely disregard my answer. Read the answers of the people above me, I think they've got it right!

    Hope I helped! Sorry, I don't know too much about it!

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