
How do i become the best?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i want to do mma and i want to not necisarialy be the best but i want to make it big time and make it to the top. i love the sport and im willing to put my all into it. but how i face all these things in life trying to hold me down and pull me back. what if i lose and it makes me afraid to fight. how do i say no to things like females and partying to do more training? and its not that i dont like girls or anything the reason why i want to say no to them for now is because everytime i date someone i stop working as hard as i used to so im trying my best not to fall into that kind of temptation. and i just want to make it you know i want to maybe one day be in the ufc or something like that. but how do i do it? thanks




  1. If you’re driven to be The Best, you have your own guidelines for it. Nothing we can tell you is going to help (or deter) you. Stick-to-it-ivness isn’t something you can learn from us here.

  2. practice, Practice, PRACTICE!

  3. by taking out the best?

  4. you have to figure all of this out for yourself man... no one will be able to tell you what to do to motivate yourself. just never give up, thats all i can say... if you think you might be afraid to fight again if you lose, then you dont belong in MMA at ALL!

  5. read this:

    A young man walks into an dojo and asks "how long would it take for me to become a master?"

    the master replies"3 years"

    "What if I trained harder than anyone else"

    "5 years"

    "What if i trained day and night harder than anyone youve ever trained"

    "7 years"

    The young man asked "why does the time increase the harder I train"

    The old man replied" the harder you train the more you find you need to learn"

    There is no end to that road it all depends on when you want to stop

  6. its funny how so many people ask pretty much the same question and also what martial arts and how do i get into UFC etc well the truth is you probably wont because so many people want to get in and the think they are a lot better than they are because they watch UFC and say he should have done this and then he could hve won easily etc but when you are actually fighting you think differently and you see things from different angles.

  7. I must admit J Dearths answer is really good, i say follow that advice

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