
How do i block wild punches?

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what's the best way to block really fast wild punches coming at you? is puting your head back and keeping you hands up good?

when in a street fight is it smart to have a boxing stance when the other person is a wild swinger? is it smart to block as if theyre boxing punches? or should i just go crazy on him too?

help please




  1. use the peek a boo style works every time

  2. the best defense is a strong offense. when the other person comes at you ans swings wild keep your hands up and punch strait down the middle and hit him on his nose until it pops like a volcano. btw street fights are never smart no matter what.

  3. It is best not to attempt to block wild punches but rather to duck/dodge them and quickly counter.  A person that is throwing wild looping punches is extremely vulnerable to debilitating shots to the body.  You could also duck hard inside, leading with your forehead, and perhaps inflict a cut on your adversary.  

    Keep your punches short, emphasizing speed and accuracy over power and soon you will have him on his knees in bloody surrender.

  4. street fight you dont box. just try get close range as possible do everything you can get control of his main hand, once you have one of his fingers you can gain complete control of the fight, either by just breaking the finger or twisting it so he has to use his other hand trying to break it while you belt his face in

  5. Tuck your chin in behind your shoulder, give angles by pointing your hip at your target, that way you don't square up to your opponent and you limit the body area he and effectively strike, and counter off his wild or looping shots with straight punches.  To borrow a Big Nate closer, keep your hands up.

  6. Ridiculous.  You need to block, and keep your eyes open to notice some sort of patter or consistency-- even in seemingly wild attacks.  

      The answer for unorthodox is to become even more orthodox than usual. Watch Randy Couture's standup game. Watch how he befuddles many of his also unorthodox opponents with his wild striking and his crazy head movement. Then watch his fight with Liddell. Liddell is a straight, accurate puncher- who didn't have any of what Couture was bringing.  Watch Mayweather Hatton. Casamayor Katsidis . All of these guys were knocked out by more orthodox strikers. Don't try to battle sloppy with sloppy-- as you may have success early, but it will be fool's gold. You'll never be in control in that situation, and control is the most important aspect to any fight.

  7. slip, bob and weave, and do a lot of counter punching quick and sweet

  8. The best defense is a good offense. Get off first and last..

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