
How do i convince my parents??

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okay, well i want to do a study abroad program. most likely to germany, england, italy or australia. mainly germany though (i am learning german in school, i'm in level 3)

thing is i'd have to really convince them. we get those things from people to people, to go to holland and paly soccer in the summer--my mom throws them out right away. but i really want to go to some type of summer/study abroad thing. just for the summer though.

anyone have ideas/tips?

ever been on one? whats a good program/place?


ps. my mom said she would let me when im 18. but i want to go before i graduate since we never go on vacatoins and such. i just want something fun to remember. i go to places (In the US) with my youth group, but i want to go somewhere else thats not in the US. haha

thanks again!




  1. You should talk to her and let her know how you feel.  I don't know your family situation or even how old you are but I guarantee you that if you really want to do a study abroad program you will get the opportunity to do it.  Your parents may not be able to afford to send you to another country right now.  It is very expensive.  You may not be able to go anywhere during your high school years but I know for a fact that you will have better opportunities for such a program when you are in college.  Maybe you should suggest to your youth pastor to plan an overseas missions trip to Mexico or Nicaragua or Costa Rica or a Latin american country.  I know it is not Europe and they don't speak German there but I know from experience from studying abroad while I was in college and going on many mission trips to many latin american countries that the experience is unforgettable.  I also studied abroad in Spain for three months but I did it through my university.  My parents didn't have enough money to send me to another country to study while I was in high school.  But I was patient and God blessed me with two wonderful opportunities in the same year.  Also, Pray about it.  God will open doors eventually.

  2. I almost went to people to people once. It's a good program. My mom basically got ridiculously mad at me and didn't let me go. I was accepted to go on the trip too.

    Your best bet is to tell her how you feel. It's a good opportunity, any opportunity to go study abroad/just plain go there is good.

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