
How do i convince them.....?

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i turn 14 in December.

i plan on getting a after school job after basketball season is over.

my parents dont like the fact i want a job.

i just HATE takng money from them, i feel as if i hadnt earned, like im a bad kid or something.

(i probably do earn it, i have many chores and such)

and i live in a very small place, its a little village in the middle of no where. Do you think the old antique shops would hire me, or would i have to go to a newer place?

how do i convince them...




  1. You sound just like my son.

    He's a good student and also plays on the basketball team.

    He wants a job.  We feel like if he gets a job, his grades will suffer.  It would be very hard to juggle homework, basketball practice and a job.

    As a parent, I don't mind "giving" him money, as long as he keeps his grades up and stays out of trouble.  This is how I look at it.  When I go to work and do my job, I get paid.

    Right now, his job is to do well in school and stay out of trouble.  So I'm not "giving" him money.  He earned it buy doing what he's supposed to do.

    P.S.  You sound like a terrific kid.  Be thankful that you have parents who are willing and able to "give" you money.  Not every 14 year old is as fortunate as you.

  2. Well, first of all, I tried to get a job when I turned 14 and every place turned me down because the legal working age is 16.  they can't put you on the payroll if you are younger.  Your only options pretty much are doing babysitting or odd jobs or mowing lawns, something like that.  Look in the newspaper's classifieds to see if anyone is looking to hire anyone for stuff like that.  If not, you can advertise by putting signs up in convenience stores and grocery stores and stuff like that.  

    Second, I don't see why your parents would have a problem with you being so ambitious and having a great work ethic already.  Let them know you are wanting to earn some money for yourself.  It's not coming out of their pocket, so I don't understand the problem.  Well anyway, good luck!

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