
How do i exorcise properly?

by Guest31688  |  earlier

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im 14 years old a bit under 6ft tall im thin and i want to know if wieght training,running,stretching,eating alot will improve my muscle mass and posture i have these 8 pound dumb bells 4 pound wieght straps that go with my legs. Im asking people out there how to exorcise properly with these tools because the last time i tried to exorcise i apperantly did it wrong and it gave me chest,abdomen and lower back pains. i cant ask a gym teacher because i doubt ill have phys ed classes the first term so can someone tell me what kind of diet i need and what kind of movements and what kind of warm-ups i can try?




  1. a light job is the best warm-up. u can to pushups and situps, but if u want to spend some money to to the book store and get arnold guide to bodybuilding its got everything u need in it

  2. you are tallllll!!!!!!!! yeah just do your own body weight, dont do not heavy weights untill your16, unless your like my gym instructor, hes like a massive bodybuilder and he was your hight and started bodybuilding at 14, go on that helped me out alot.  

  3. Hello it is an accepted fact that fad diets are not worth the paper they're written on. I make the suggestion that you click its a brilliant site with some great free help and support. I lost 5 pounds in five weeks by following their helpful advice  

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