
How do i get a life?

by  |  earlier

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i live in the middle of nowhere, have no car, no babysitter, and no friends or family that care(at least the ones who are close enough to me that it matters) so how do i get out of this rut??




  1. Well, look around you. Is there anything you could do thats cool and special? Any hobbies? Any animals? You could learn more about them and train them to do tricks. Do you have a yard? You could start gardening. Can you draw? Write? Take good pictures? If you have a computer (as I assume you do), you can order things from the web for your hobby.

    For example, I found out I really like tie dying. So, I ordered the dyes and some shirts, and now I sell my own t-shirts.  

  2. Go to your favorite place and volunteer your time. Try it and see what happens.

  3. I don't know how old you are. If you feel your family doesn't care that is not cool. Do you have grandparents that would take you in?

  4. we assume you have children.  go to church and make friends with other people like yourself.  surely you're able to get into town to shop for groceries, right?  I mean seriously, unless you have no legs, there are ways to get around.  

    it's difficult to care about someone who thinks that no-one cares and stays isolated.  what makes you stay where you are, for example?  if your kids have a live-in father, you could reasonably expect some support from him in helping you socialize, even if you don't like his friends.  he has wheels?  use them.

  5. if yur not home skewled try & socialize w/ people from yur skewl & ignore yur fam plus u dont want and or need a baby-sitter

  6. their is no logical answer you must wait till your 16 so you can get a job and get then when your 18 move out right away.

  7. You can probably buy one on eBay.

  8. get some hobbies you can do alone, exercise is a good way to explore the area & what it has to offer, walking, hiking, skiing, swming, canoeing, etc you couldd use this time alone to learn a lanuage

    , or learn to play an instrument. good luck & take advantage of this time to yourself.
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