
How do i get flexible fast?

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im not that flexible and i want to get fast. i want to be able to do the splits.




  1. stretching a little bit here and there, or for 4 or 5 minutes a day will not increase your flexibility in any dramatic fashion. believe me. itll loosen you up, but thats about it.

    if you really want to do the splits and have great gains in flexibility. you have to stretch at least 15 to 20 minutes per day.

    there are stretching videos on

  2. Stretch and do yoga daily.

  3. Stretch every day.

  4. Hi.

    Below I have posted instructions on how to do a simple yet effective stretching routine however there is no guarantee that you will become flexible very fast.  You will have to be very perseverant but at the same time very patient.  You don't want to over stretch and pull a muscle; this can set you back many weeks, maybe even months depending on how bad it is.


    First of all, hold all stretches for about a minute (or more) but no less than 20 to 30 seconds. This is very important, any less and you won't get much (if any) of the benefits of stretching. I don't know any of the specific anatomy/medical terms but I can tell you it takes about 20 seconds for your muscles to relax after you begin a stretch. Initially they tighten up when you begin a stretch because they are 'afraid' you are going to stretch too far and pull the muscle. After 20 seconds they relax allowing you to actually start stretching the muscle.

    Also, for all stretching you don't want shooting pain, only moderate discomfort.


    *Stretches 1 and 2: Sit down, extend one leg and bring the other one in so that your foot is sitting beside or touching your inner thigh. Keep your toes pointing straight up and reach for them pulling yourself down. If you can't reach your toes grab a hand full of you pant leg or if you’re wearing shorts grab your ankle (you can use either or both hands for this stretch).

    After a minute is completed switch your legs for the second stretch and repeat for another minute.

    If you can get a good grip on your foot pull it back and try to point your toes at your head so you can stretch additional muscles as the same time.

    *Stretch 3. Bring the bottoms of your feet together and pull them toward your body as close as you can, push down on your knees. Lean forward if you can. Some people like to grab their feet and push down with their elbows; this is mostly just personal preference but it will force you to lean forward a bit. And again, hold for one minute.

    *Stretches 4 and 5: Spread your legs out as far as they will go, point your toes straight up and reach for one foot with either or both hands pulling yourself down. This is very similar to the first stretch.

    After a minute is completed switch to your other foot for the fifth stretch and repeat for one minute. You will not have to move your legs.

    *Stretch 6: While keeping both your legs as far apart as they will go and your toes pointing up, lean your body straight forward and reach for both of your feet to help pull yourself down. Again, one minute.


    Stretches 1, 2, 4 and 5 will stretch the muscles necessary for the splits with one leg out in front of you and the other leg behind you.

    Stretches 3 and 6 will stretch the muscles necessary for the splits with both your legs out at your sides.


    I would do this at least twice daily; it's pretty simple and only takes six minutes. You can do this while watching TV, playing video games, reading a book, if you're bored, if your motivated, etc... But you should certainly do it before and after a workout. Once completed if you feel so inspired you can do it again to make it a twelve minute stretch routine.

    For all of the above stretches set a goal. Work toward touching your forehead to your knees or to the floor. Though for stretch three try to touch your knees to the floor and then your forehead to the floor (or your feet) by leaning forward. Don't pull a muscle trying any of these of course, take you time.

    From standing you may also want to try picking up your foot behind you grabbing it and pulling up and toward you back just to get a better rounded leg stretch.


    Some people naturally aren't as flexible as others. After a year or so of martial arts and stretching I was able to do the splits (forward and backward that is, side to side I still can't do completely) with only minor discomfort. On the other hand my instructor has been taking martial arts and stretching for 20+ years and can only comfortably grab his toes in stretches 1 and 2.

    So don't be too disappointed if you are never able to do the splits, some people just aren't built that way. Also, don't get discouraged, even if you never do become as flexible as you like there are other benefits to stretching like a reduced risk of pulling a muscle. With that said I am sure that you will see some increased flexibility, just how much depends on how you're built.

    Just keep in mind that no matter your full flexibility potential it will take time, maybe as much as a couple weeks before you start to see any significant improvement.

    I hope this helps and good luck :)

  5. just stretch 4  to 5 minutes every day just simple stretches like touching yur toes n stuff

  6.  he has 2 of the dvd sets on stretching i've ever seen. you will get amazing results.

  7. well some people are naturally flexible and some people arnt... soo its going to be hard for you because you are not naturaly flexible im gessing... but umm just streach a lot... do it every day... or maybe even liek twice a day... ull get flexible fast if you do it like once in the morning and one at night before you go to bed... good luck

  8. Flexibility is different for everyone. To do a split could take you 2 weeks or 2 years. Just do butterfly stretches, sprinter stretches, squater stretches, and any other stretches that stretch your hamstrings and other leg muscles and tendons. Keep at it and you'll notice better flexibility within a month or so.

  9. stretch every day or multiple times a day. But do not go past your stretching limit, if it hurts then you are stretching too far. You can injure your body by stretching too far and backtrack your work.

  10. If you don't like to just take time out your day just to stretch you can stretch while you watching tv or something if you have a laptop you can stretch while your on the comp. but what ever you do you have to stretch everyday... the more the better... hope this helps sort-of repetitive...

  11. just keep streching

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