
How do i know for sure?

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i think i've got a crush on one of my friends. the thing is that we're both girls. Sometimes she does stuff that makes me think maybe she likes me too.




  1. I have the same problem too hun. I know it isnt easy.

    But dont rush it, dont force it and certainly DONT ask directly. You will scare and yes, as others advise risk your friendship.

    That said there are other ways of telling and its called...Body Language. Scientifically it makes up about 75% of what we say, trust me I did a speech on it. So watch her body gestures around you. Her pupils may dialate when talking to you, she may drop her voice, or even pretend disinterested (that may be a kind of tatcic she is trying if SHE is aware of HER attraction that is)

    Also try and be SUGGESTIVE. I.e: say something indirect, and watch her reaction, try and hold her hand or something and watch her reaction.

    You'll know what you're looking for when you find it. If not, then no worries there will be others. Good Luck!

  2. How long have it been? If has only been a while, you might need to do more observation. If it has been a long time, you have to do things to find out the answer.

    If you feel comfortable and maybe she is able to take it, you can consider asking her directly.

    You go to be patient or you will frighten her..

    And the worse case scenerio is that you might spoil the friendship between both of you which is very possible.

  3. i had a crush on my friend 2 years ago and i just waited and after a year we accidentally kissed when we didnt really know what we were doing and at that point i knew she liked me aswell but we didnt talk about it for 6 months now we have been going out 4 2 months and i cant stop thinking about her and all my friends say that we are so cute 2gether. just be patient. it takes time but in the end it is worth it

  4. Ask her.  Only way you are going to know for sure.  Worst case scenario she doesn't like you like that and you remain friends.

  5. umh...all i can suggest is watching yourself for a little while longer just make sure thats what you are feeling. Cuz once you for it, its hard to come back from it. Its kind of like a drug!

  6. Try to do something to pull out her answer to see if she likes u too... :-) just be patient. Good luck.

  7. Do You Know That She is A Lez? If So Ask Her Do You Like Me If She Say's No say it ok if you do if she still say's no wel there you go but if she say's yes say me to. And You Have A Girlfriend.

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