
How do i learn back flip?

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in dance




  1. first make sure your arms are very stronge. i am strugleing on one, and i really need to get it, my dance teachers says to work on my upper body streagnth, so i am. Can you do a back-bend walk over? they really help I CANT do one, wich really sucks cause i need to get my back hand spring! Anyways, keep doind back bend walk overs and working on your upper body strength and good luck =] (when you are sure, make sure you have a good spotter, and try try try again!)

  2. At my high school, there were a lot of gifted and talented kids that knew how to tumble (back tucks, back hand springs, aerials and whatnot...)  I asked them to teach me and I learned... It was scary at first, but as long as someone's spotting you, you're probably fine...

    Or if not, you should try going to a gymnastics school or looking online for a tumbling class for dancers...

    Good luck


  3. just like practice back flexibility and look on youtube

  4. You can find drills for them here:

    Please see a certified gymnastics instructor to learn this skill safely.

  5. ask ur dance teacher, or go 2 gymnastics. Maybe ur school has a tumbling class like mine, but w/out a proper spotter, or a person 2 teach u that no's what there doing, u can't really learn w/ out the posibility of getting hurt.

  6. how do you did a back flip

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