
How do i make a baby?

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How do i make a baby?




  1. If you don't know, then don't do it! The taxpayers do not need another mouth to feed!

  2. insert p***s into v****a.  ejaculate... voila

  3. are you serious??? i mean its ok to sleep and do stuff with a girl but if she's not on birth control just dont  **** her also direct contact will only get her pregnant. a sperm dies the second it has contact with light so dont get scared if you do anything except direct ******* it wont get her pregnant

  4. May I ask how this relates to the environment?

  5. Drink a lot. then call the woman next door with five kids, each one with different fathers. Flee to Mexico

  6. have sexual intercourse with a female when she had an egg in her ovarys and hope a sperm gets in

  7. put your WÃ¥ng in thecanyon, jiggle it around for a while, dig in deep and explode.

    9 months and 36 paychecks later a baby comes out

  8. by accident

  9. stupid question

  10. If you are a guy, then f.u.c.k a girl.  If you are a girl, then get f.u.c.k.e.d by a guy.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  11. This is a pretty easy question. if you dont know the answer then maybe you should talk to your parents if you are under the age of 13 and if you are older wow you might wanna go back to school.

  12. ......What a waste of 5 points.

  13. Hire a prostitute.

  14. Unprotected s*x

  15. Ask your mother.

  16. Unprotected ejaculatory s*x inside a females v****a.

  17. Ask Mattell,  just make sure your baby is healthy, and it didn't come from china.
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