
How do i make it stop???

by  |  earlier

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im almost 33 weeks and since the begining have had tingling in my legs when i lie down,i cn deal with that(least ive gotten used to it at least) but today my lil girls got the hicups,which would be ok but its been over an hour now and they havent stopped and the lil hicup spasms keeps making my legs and spine tingle like i wanna get up and walk around when i dont...its driving me nuts

is there anyways to make it stop lol




  1. i asked this too. the hiccups that were so cute at first got so annoying later on. but no, sadly you cant do much.

    i thought that iced water helped my little guy w/it but now i dont think so. it is a really good thing that she is hiccuping bc she is practicing breathing.

    good luck.

  2. Sorry but that will be with you until the end.  Like you I had spasms every night towards the end and I just tried to massage my legs.  Nothing gets rid of it though.  Maybe try a heating pad, or an ice pack.

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