
How do i not freak out?

by  |  earlier

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before i start i know i am not the only person out there with this problem, but i feel i now need a bit of help with it from anyone willing to give it.

i have always had this fear of bees and wasps.

by the way i didnt know where to put this, and im figuring its all in my head so maybe this is the right place.

it was made ten times worse a few months ago when i woke up at 6am in pain, i didnt know what the pain was so went back to sleep, then woke up with the same pain, freaked out, woke my boyfriend and told him "i was being attacked"!! he turned the light on and we found a bee in our bed which stung me twice.

anyway, long story short, i work in a kitchen, and with the warm weather here lately, there have been way too many wasps than i care to see in my lifetime. everytime i go into the kitchen theres 5 buzzing around, i go to the counter where i work and they are buzzing around the food i have to serve.

to put it nicely one flew into my face today, i screamed, i ran. my chest tightened, i panicked, i pretty much freaked out. i know i cannot be like that at work.

what can i do about this? its got to the point where i dread going into work. any tips on how to make it easier?

(yes i feel like a wimp and i know its stupid)

ten points for the best answer. thanks everyone.




  1. I know how you feel im petrified too - wasps worse.  There is a spray you can put on yourself which acts as a repellant to the buggers - ask at a chemist.  Good luck!

  2. Do you work in a restaurant?  If there are wasps inside the restaurant kitchen, tell the boss you want them removed.  This is against health laws for one thing.  

    It is not stupid to be frightened of wasps, they can do a lot of damage.  My father was attacked as a kid, he said his whole face got swollen, the doctor had to pull wasps out of his ears and nose, and he almost died.

    The best thing to do, if you can find the nest, is to get raid wasp and hornet spray, spray the nest real good, in the cool of the evening, after they have calmed down.  It will kill them, and anything in the nest, and any coming back to the nest.

    I just killed one in my back yard.

  3. This may sound strange but it worked. We had a nest in the garden, by the time we discovered it no one wanted to remove it.We fed the wasps (there was alot of them) with a saucer of honey then placed it away from back door. they never came near us after that. You could try placing the saucer just outside the window.

    You could also speak to your boss as it's his responsibility to keep staff safe.

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