
How do i over hand serve?

by  |  earlier

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i kno how but i cant seem to get it over the net




  1. Practice tossing up the ball,

    if you do it right, it should land over your right shoulder.

    Get your arm up as high as it'll go with your elbow up and SLAM the ball with the palm of your hand, or the balls of your fingers.

  2. you shouldnt overhand until you know how to underhand and can get the ball over the net at leats 25 times in a row help your upper body stenght to work up to it and you might not be putting enough power into or just try hitting the ball higher if hitting to powerful and to low....


  3. Pop your forearm, which means keep back your wrist and forearm for as long as you can, and then snap it all into place. Kapow-there you go!

  4. When you throw up the ball make sure to slightly arch your back.

    that way when you go to hit the ball you can use your abs to jerk yourself forward and add more power to your serve

    also if you don't make it over once don't let it affect your confidence... too many girls let one bad serve affect the rest of their serves.... believe you can make it over and you will!!!

  5. First make sure your hips are aligned with the net.

    next, throw the volleyball not too low, but not too high.

    make sure it goes just about arms reach

    when the ball is coming down, SMACK it in the middle with your palm.

    oh yea, and stepping into it will give it more power.


  6. I assume you're right handed.

    Stand a few (two or three) steps back from the end line, left foot slightly forward, upper body square to the net.

    Toss the ball with both hands so that the ball goes just slightly higher than your right arm when you're reaching up as high as you can.  It should land just forward of your right foot (where your right foot would be if you took one step forward).  Practice this until you can toss the ball the same way EVERY TIME (at least 20 times in a row).

    Now the hard part: hitting the ball.  Immediately after the toss, raise your right arm (with elbow bent, wrist ******, and fingers near your right ear) so it is parallel to the floor, and bring your left arm (straightened) in front of you for balance and direction.  The core of your body should now be turned slightly toward the right, your belly button at a 45 degree angle to the right of your target.

    Keep your eye on the ball!  As it reaches its apex (that spot where your right arm is at its highest), swing your left arm down past your left hip, step forward with your left foot, extend your right arm upward and swing your right arm straight forward, contacting the center of the ball with the top of your hand (NOT your fingers, NOT your wrist, & NOT your fist.  The TOP of the palm of your hand).  

    As you become more confident and more powerful, you can begin to integrate:

    - a downward wrist snap for top spin.

    - a higher toss and longer approach for a jump serve.

    As all of this is happening, your right hip should be "pulling" from behind your left hip back to square to your target, and your right foot may come up on your toes.  This is very important, as it puts your weight into the contact and adds power to your serve.

    After contact, swing your right arm down toward your left hip/thigh on follow-through.

    Keep in mind these basic concepts:

    1)  Consistent, correct toss.  If it's not a good toss, don't hit the ball.  If it's too far right, left, foward, or back, then the serve will be much more difficult.  Let it fall, pick it up, and try again.

    2)  Solid, determined, forceful arm swing.  Not wild & flailing, but strong.  Hit it like you mean it!

    3)  Good contact point.  Hit the ball with those pads where your fingers join your hand.

    Good luck!

  7. Make sure you get a high enough toss. This will mean you contact it higher, and it will go over the net. Also, make sure you are stepping into it.

  8. hit it as hard as you possibly can and right in the part of your hand that sticks out

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