
How do i populate my talent?

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i have a talent of singing and i have got a lot of compliments from

my relatives. wat do i do, pls help me.




  1. Although relatives mean well, they can sometimes steer a person wrong (example: everyone on American Idol who thinks they are amazing, because family "told them so"). You should first look for a few more opinions from people who will be unbiased and who are not afraid to tell you whether to pursue a path in singing. Then, if they give you the go ahead, find a good voice teacher (they are expensive; most cost about $30 per half hour) and continue to train your voice in all different genres of singing. Good luck!

  2. american idol?

  3. hey dear i always love to answer ur this time i just waana tell u tht u should first try to perform on stage in ur school and in gatherings.just develop ur self confidence to face thousands of people.this will make u ready to become famous in singing field.never shy.practice in front of mirror n sing loudly.if ur voice quality is really good u should try going in competions like sa re ga ma pa or indian idol(though its tough to get there still u can try).participate in locals competions.don't loose hope if u r not selected.u knw all famous people have to face difficulties in better get of luck...ur prince...

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