
How do i tell my brother??

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how do i tell my brother that i like his best friend?

i was SO CLOSE to telling him just now but i chickened out.

i really want to tell my brothers friend that i like him- but i want to talk to my brother first so that he knows.

im really scared to tell my brother- hes been asking me a lot lately if i have a boyfriend and i tell him no i dont like any one. and then as soon as i started to like his friend he stopped asking me.

idk what to do but i want to talk to my brother.

also- my sister is going to college and i dont want to tell my brother until after she leaves because i dont want them to be talking and making fun of me.

also- me and my brother arent the best of friends. we dont really talk at all unless we are talking so what do i do? how do i tell my brother?




  1. Tell his friend and then if your brothers got a problem with it talk it out with him...but chances are hes still not gonna like it but he'll get used to it.

  2. there is no real reason of you being afraid of being made fun of, and allot of times brothers don't like it when sisters like thier friends but if you like this guy you should tell him and if bro has a cow oh well after all it's your happiness that counts isn't it?


    I dont know how to tell my brother that i like his friend cause were not that close either. but his friend kind of  flirts with me a little and i REALLY like him and i dont know what to do.

    if u find a answer to this pleasee PLEASEE message me,

    thanks christina

  4. First off you shouldnt ever said that you didnt like anybody cause, what happens if your brothers friend, used your brother as a now your brothers friend might think you dont like time is running out! You need to make a move and fast! Just suck it up, and tell your brothers friend. I know its hard but you have to just do it!! :)

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