
How do i tell them?

by  |  earlier

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i was rapped by my boyfriend and i just found out that i am pregnant. I am 8 weeks along. I am totally against abortion. I am only 14. How do i tell my mom. What if she doesn't believe me? This is so hard! I need something other than just sit down with her and tell her. How do i tell her without her killing me? this is not like juno when she told her parents. Mine are so not like that.




  1. 1st of all how can u say she will kill u if u were raped? I think she will jus want 2 protect and help u, it's up 2 u on how u tell her whatever u feel most comfortable wit. But u do need 2 report ur b/f how old is he? it doesnt matter if he the same age as u, u still need 2 report him. I'm so sorry this has happened 2 u and I no u are anti-abortion but do u really want a baby at only 14? have u thought about adoption b/c u still r young urself.

    Good Luck and best wishes xxxxx

  2. OMG I'M so sorry 4 u...u need 2 go 2 the police & have him arrested. IF UR MOM REALLY LOVED U THEN SHE WOULDNT THINK UR LYING(tell her that) & if they want u 2 get an abortion then u should bcuz @ 14 there's really nowhere 2 work 2 provide 4 ur baby bcuz its exspensive


  3. If you were raped, it's not your fault.

    Explain to her.

  4. i was rapped at 14 to by my boyfriend just like u i only told my best friend and only her she was so upset that i would never tell my parents she finally told me that she would help me tell my parents so she came with me to my parents and she sat with me and we both told them what happened if u have a friend that can help u pull through this then try that but make sure u tell ur parents soon

  5. First off, you should have gone to the police. Rape is a crime. 2nd if he's an adult, he should serve some time in jail.

    Anyways, tell it straight. Write a note.

    You'll need help even if they don't believe you. Good luck.

  6. you'll have to explain to her that it was rape. its normal for rape victims to not want to tell anyone so i think she'll understand. plus you'll need help with the pregnancy.

  7. Get a pregnancy test from the dollar stare.

    Take it  & show mom the positive result.

    The conversation will start from there.

  8. If your parents aren't going to believe you, you really should go down to the police station and press charges against the boyfriend.  By the way, why do you call him your boyfriend, and not your ex boyfriend now?  

    Honestly, I think your parents will believe you when you say you want to go to the police and press charges.  You can also tell a neighbor, or another adult you fully trust, and both of you can sit your parents down and tell them.  Tell them the story from start to finish.

  9. im totally against abortion to, you should have your baby and give it up for adoption this way it has the opportunity to have a life and a good one at for the mother part in real life no parent is like juno's your just going to have to make sure your with someone when you tell her lol this way she doesn't go crazy on yah..
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