
How do i thaw chicken ?

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i need to thaw chicken really fast, how would i do it ?




  1. with a knife

  2. If you have time unthaw it in the fridge. It can be done with defrost on microwaves. But I found it is not as good.

  3. dont breath on it! gosh! lol u can put it in the microwave ut i would suggest the \fridge and w8 cus its safer but if u have to fas then microwave

  4. best way is to put it in a freezer bag and seal it well, then leave it in cold water for awhile, don't put it in the microwave its not healthy at all

  5. you can set out and let it thaw at room temp or you can set it out in the fridge the night before and see if it is thawed the next day  it needs to be completed thawed to cook

  6. Don't use a microwave to thaw ANYTHING. Thaw at room temperture, and don't try to rush it.

  7. 2 Ways

    1) Submerge chicken in cool water

    2) Use the defrost function on your microwave

  8. put inthe on defrost or put it in water cold  

  9. Breath on it profusely

  10. Yes, your microwave should have a thaw feature on it.  Read the manual on how to do it or you will cook your chicken in the process.  

  11. i just earned two points. hahahhahahahhahahhaha

  12. yes you can use a microwave just make sure theres openings in the skin and push the thaw button

  13. Run cool water over it.  You can thaw it in the microwave, but I don't suggest that.

  14. Put it in a plastic ziploc bag and submerge it in cool water. Doesn't really take that long and much safer than microwaving.

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