
How do i transform myself?

by  |  earlier

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i think i am a L*****n. I am already married and have a wonderful husband. I don't want to be dishonest to him but am not getting attracted to men, instead am getting attracted to women. i dont want to be a L*****n and i want to be truthful to my husband. Recently i liked a friend of mine(who is a woman) but i haven't explicitly told her and am getting all these feelings for her which i never felt before in my entire life, which am not feeling with my husband. its almost an year now and my feelings are still the same for her. This is absurd but am not able to avoid. I think she is straight, i dont know. I am not going to do anything that would ruin my marriage with my husband and also my friendship with that woman but this is really tough to handle. Is there a way i can get rid of her from my mind. I want to be straight. I dont want to be a L*****n.




  1. Sorry to break it to you, but if you are a L*****n there is nothing you can do about it. You need to be honest with yourself and with your husband before things get worse. They will not get better, I promise you. And, there is nothing wrong with being a L*****n! It is obviously natural for you, and sometimes people don't realize it until they are older. You can not simply transform. Anyways, please just do what is best for yourself otherwise you'll never be happy.

  2. unfortunatley you dont get to choose

    and i have a feeling the only reason you want to be strait is because you are told that its normal and the big one you care about your husband and dont want to hurt him or you by liking woman.

    but why fight a feeling you are getting, if you are a L*****n then you are a L*****n

  3. Pray.  Try to fight the feelings. Just stop going around ladies if you can. Don't tell your husband this or it will freak him out. Good luck.

  4. They have tv shows where you send in a video of yourself, then they transform your wardrobe.

    There is also Movie and a Makeover jk lol

  5. My answer would be the same if it was another man you were attracted to... since you're married and you don't want to ruin the marriage, I think you may need to cut ties with your friend. I know it's hard.  But you have an important choice to  make.  It might just be that you feel emotionally closer to this girlfriend than you do to your husband... it's easy for that to happen since men are not always very great communicators and they don't understand us as well as our girlfriends do.  So if it was me, I would stop spending so much time with my friend, and start putting way more energy into my marriage, building communication, having lots of fun together, etc.  And I bet romantic feelings for him will start to develop!! I also do NOT think you should mention this to your husband!!! That will only drive a wedge between you two and that is the last thing you need.  Good luck!!

  6. I'm pretty conservative, so I'd say you need to make a choice.  I'm not saying that you shouldn't be a L*****n, but I am saying that you need to only have feelings for one person.  It isn't fair for your husband for you to be having an emotional affair with someone else.  Just choose one life and live it happily.

  7. If you have too, you can move. You can move to a new town, mabey away from that girl. you could also try to spend more time with your husband, and not spend time with that girl. You could try to be more confident, and not think about her, go shopping with your other friends, to get your mind off of her.  

  8. Sorry sweetie !!!!! People don't "think" they are lesbians.... THEY KNOW IT !!! Have you even been w/ another woman ???

    This could just be a strong attraction because you are curious !!!

    But if I was you I would tell your husband that you feel attracted to women ( wouldn't say who it was ) see how he feels about it ( most men loooove it and don't mind)...... then see how he would feel about a 3 way or watching ? I def' wouldn't tell your friend or even make her your first time ( if she is)..... you def' should have s*x w/ another woman to see if you are L*****n !!!!!

  9. well. try some new things in the bedroom. that could help on the mans part. and try to cut her out your life if you cant control your feelings for her.

  10. u should try life counciling it helps honestly

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