
How do i????Sleep?? ?

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ok almost every night when I'm lying down in my bed i always get a song i hate (example: best of both worlds, i H8 THAT SONG!!) anyway and it just keeps going through one part and rewinding and saying it over and over. school is about to start and i have to wake up at 6:00 and i dont want to sleep for only 3-4 hours. my question is how can i stop these songs from coming so i can fall asleep earlyer.

I did have a fractured skull about 2 months ago but nothing under the MRI, CT scan showed any brain damage.

but please Im super tired and i cant go to sleep please help!




  1. I dont know if this will help in your case,but it did in mine. I'd usually on the radio (or the iPod) setting it to as silent as possible and listen to the music.It did help me to fall asleep much faster then usually.also try drinking a glass of milk,my doctor says there is somthing in it that will calm you down.

    P.S.-oh and also try not to watch the TV/PC at least an hour before bed.

    Hope this helps!  

  2. Get this checked out if its bothering you.

    I hope something will help you. I need my sleep more than anything. To hearmiley Cyrus in my head.. sucks.

    God Bless you.

    Find a doctor, explain everything and hope it will get fixed!


  3.      U poor thing,I sincerely feel 4 U!!! I used to go through the same thing with clinical depression, til a friend gave me a tape to listen to

    as I was preparing to go to sleep.It wasn't music,but a soothing sound

    of water running as if in a quiet brook/stream.It worked so well,I looped it again & again til it went on for about an hour,but usually I would fall

    asleep within the first 10 to 15 minutes! CDs like this are available in

    just about any music store in the 'new age' section.I'd look in a 'Virgin

    Records' store. Good Luck!!!    


  4. If your not falling to sleep within 15 to 20 minutes.. Get up and out of bed and go into the living room and read until your tired enough or sit in a chair and think pleasant thoughts. Maybe a dream vacation or standing by a water fall. This will help you get a calming effect.

    Wild Lettuce-creates  calming, restlessness and  reduces anxiety and may even quell restless leg syndrome. When using wild lettuce supplement take 30 to 120 milligrams before bed.

    Aromatherapy= Lavender. spray a mist of oil on you pillow at night. or sleep on a pillow filled with lavender.

    Walking- People who walked at least six blocks a day at a normal pace were 1/3 less likely to have  trouble sleeping according to one study

    200 milligrams of Magnesium & 600 of calcium

    lower the dose if causes diarrhea.

    Melatonia-its the hormone that controls sleep. take 0.3 to 0.5 milligrams before bed. Note: don't take a higher dosage or can cause infertility or depression.

    Valerian= is one of the most common sleep remedies for insomnia. Numerous studies have found that Valerian improves deep seep, speed of falling asleep and overall quality of sleep.  However its most effective when used over a long period of time and you need to allow 2 weeks for Valerian to build up in your system. But give yourself a break once and a while to allow your sleep patterns to develop without help.

    L-Theanine-This amino acid comes from green tea & not only helps maintain a calm alertness during the day but also a deeper sleep at night.

    However a better brands to use is called Sunthenine. which is pure L-Theanine.(other brands have inactive forms of theanine that block the effectiveness) Take 50 to 200 milligrams at bed time.

    We also have good old fashion hops.. or Jamaican Dogwood but that's another story..

    Try one that suits your needs and helps you sleep..good luck

  5. Take some NyQuil and u can go back to sleep.

    Or the best way is exercises for 30 minute, 2 hours before u went to sleep and in the weekday make yourself busy so you will be tired. Avoid foods that can make you heartburn and don't keep looking at the clock because that make u worry how many hours u gonna sleep and because of your worries you cannot sleep.

  6. There is many solutions to having trouble sleeping. 1. Warm glass of milk. 2. Think about something else like a quiet room or something you like. 3. Try taking sleep medicine (if its okay)

  7. i get the same "earworms" from being forced to hear the crappy pop music at my work all the time.  you can certainly try listening to alot of your own music to get rid of the crappy music.  you can also embrace the earworm and sing the same the part of the song to yourself in your mind over and over again.  this will create a cognitive loop which will eventually put you in a trance state and you will go to sleep without even trying.  the important thing with this technique is not to fight the music, just use it.

    you can also sing the song to yourself but change the lyrics to whatever you want (if it has lyrics)  or make up ridiculous lyrics to an instrumental song.  i like to change popular song lyrics into songs about p**p, vomit, and other unmentionables.

  8. I suggest you do two things, they always help me.

    First, have some warm milk. Maybe two glasses in your case. This is a natural sedative.

    Second is the mental part. You need to do something that occupies all your consciousness, which really isn't that tough when you know how. One way to do this is to recall an old event, maybe when you went to camp for a week, and keep trying to remember more about it, keep trying to unveil forgotten memories. Another is to fully describe something. For example you can make a mental image of yourself and describe everything about you, from how tall you are to how good as basketball you are to how much you hate your cat, etc.

    Good luck!

  9. try to meditate and breath in and out a lot to make you feel droswsy
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