
How do indoor cats get fleas???

by  |  earlier

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Ok, this is a weird question, but I have to know. My grandma has two cats, one boy, one girl (not that it matters) Anyway, somehow they have gotten fleas. I bought some front line and put it on them and it seemed to work because the fleas are dropping off of the cats. Anyway, they have never been outside in their lives except to go to the vets and to go back to the house when we bought them, and even then they were contained in a crate. Somehow they got fleas but we don't know how. My grandmother does not live near any kind of woods. She lives on a city street so there is technically no way they could have came in from outside. I'm completely stumped...anybody have any ideas?




  1. frontline is good, but you should probably get something to clean or spray the carpets with, as there could still be flea eggs sitting there just waiting for the right moment. also, try putting a flea collar in her vaccuum bag. That way any fleas she might vaccuum up won't have a chance to escape again.

  2. you can easily bring them into the house in your clothes and shoes. They can come from outside, even on city streets. Fleas dont really discriminate where they hang out =D

    Get them on some Advantage and get a Rebound flea bomb. That should take care of them

  3. Fleas can be carried in on your shoes and pant legs and when just 1 gets in your home they hatch eggs every 7 days and then the cycle starts

  4. Sometimes it happens... the fleas get transplanted from elsewhere. They can hop off a flea-infested cat onto somebody's clothes or grass, live there briefly until they find another carrier (either a human's clothes or another animal) who then brings them to the cat.

    Frontline and many other products don't work to kill fleas, or do a very poor job of it. Go to the vet and get a product called Revolution: it costs just a bit more, but works wonders (also kills heartworms and ticks). Your indoor cat(s) should be fine after this: in my experience, flea infestations for indoor animals are rare. My current cat (4 years running) only had one outbreak

  5. brace yourself, you wont like the answer. you and grandma gave the cats fleas.

    fleas hitch a ride on humans, usually clothing. they drop off in the house and breed. cat walks buy, they jump, bite, suck blood, jump off , breed.

    fleas detect heat. outside is cold, you are warm, they jump. inside is warm, they jump off. cat is warm.

  6. We can bring them in on our clothing.

    I have seen yards infested as if moving along looking for food.

    A Flooding is know to bring a bad bout of fleas.

  7. Fleas are every where outside and of course always a stray one or two at the vets on another animal and the average flea can jump continuously over and over enough times to equal the length of a football field so a flea treatment like advantage or revolution (available at your vet) can be used and only needs applied monthly and probably for indoor cats like mine you may only need it a few months a year during summer months usually. BE CAREFUL though and be sure to get a flea treatment that's for cats/proper weight dose and follow directions closely as cats are a lot more sensitive to the pesticides in them and watch her closely after applying especially the first time you use a flea treatment to make sure she doesn't have a bad reaction to it.

  8. either from the carpet or a rug or something like that.

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