
How do l learn to Dive?

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  1. You can take a class

  2. See if there is someone at your local pool that offers lessons.

  3. if you ever go on a cruise you can take diving excursion they provide on the islands. you wont have to have a license for the beginners level and you go down to bout 30ft and they will teach you the basics and you get have a feel for if you like it or not

  4. it takes practice...go to your local recreation center...see if you are allowed to go on the diving board. see if you can take up the stance of diving by looking it up online or in a book...if you just keep at it, you can become great at it..its really fun!

  5. I don't know but it would RAD if you were smoking a cigarette at the same time!

  6. you open the door to the car, sit down, put your seatbelt on, put a helmet on, turn the car on, and floor it!

  7. I suggest that you take lessons from an instructor, because you could really hurt yourself if you try to teach yourself how to dive. It takes time and practice.

  8. Go to your local aquatic center or university and sign up for a diving class and take lessons ....... = )

  9. if you take swimming lessons they'll be sure to teach you. But really they didn't help me./ My Aunt taught me to dive. You have to start off slow and easy. Just go to the edge of a pool and go down on one knee like you're proposing. Then just trust yourself and let yourself fall into the pool head first. make sure your arms are up side your head covering both your ears. From there, you can take small steps. When you're ready to actually dive form standing up, go to the edge of the pool. curl your toes on the edge, and let yourself fall. You dont have to jump, just pushh off and fallllllll. You'll get better. You just need practice. :)

  10. get a family member that has past their test to teach you

  11. You should seek professional help on this subject.The best way to learn to dive(well its how i learned to dive) is practice jumping into the pool as straight as you can,feet first with your hands by your side.This way you will learn the basic position of you body when learning more complicated dives like the racing(or shallow) dive.

  12. Find your local pool center, then see if they have lessons. if not (most of the time they do) then find a relative to help you or a friend or something. Once you got lessons from whoever u get lessons from, just keep practicin' then u know how to dive!

  13. Do a basic starter dive to get use to it. Put your left or right knee on the ground, and have the other leg flat on the foot. You can hold your nose if u need to. the leg that your knee is on the ground straiten it and u will plunge in the water head first.

  14. first start off on the side of the pool and make sure ur diving into a deep end. the pool ur diving into should be atleast 8ft when ur diving from the side. put one foot on the edge of the side of the pool and one foot abt 2-3 behind the front foot. now put ur hands over ur head so it looks like ur hands and arms are in the superman position. then bend ur knees. then bend over so ur looking at the water. ur head should be in the position so that its over ur front knee. now bend ur knees more and push! make sure ur looking out and don't look down too much or else you'll be too close to the edge of wall when u enter the water but don't go to far out or else you'll belly flop. hope this helped. also you can look here

  15. I dont no.

  16. If you're like around 9 years or older you can dive.

    Find someone who will teach you together with a class of other divers...

    If I were you I'd ask at a touristic hotel or near a beach side! :) There are even dive locations where they can teach you for free if you work for them for the diving center. If you're old enough.

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