
How do teenagers start a cafe?

by Guest57825  |  earlier

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Me and a few of my friends wanted to start a cafe... but we're only teenagers! Any tips on how to get our business started up [PLEASE]?




  1. up about $50,000.

  2. You can't.

    Law says h**l NO, especially with things involving food and like that.

    It also demands FULL ATTENTION so, ya know. With school and all that?

    Also, you'd have to have a SH1TLOAD OF MONEY! There's no way you'd be able to get a loan like most people do.

    I say, finish school first! You'll have to wait for you all to turn 18.

    The closest thing you can do is start a school cafe thing!

    Like talk to your school admin with a serious proposition, make them take you seriously, and ask them about starting a cafe type thing. But you couldn't get the money, it'd go to the school- but at least you'd have some experience running things.

  3. Im not sure you can.

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