
How do the Americans feel?

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Knowing that Jamaica has the three fastest times in the world, that their g*y man couldn't make the finals and that a Jamaican walked at the end of the 100metre finals and still broke the world record, that seems almost impossible to break by a NORMAL American ( No "roids").




  1. The infamous Ben Johnson was Canadian but it is true that America swore black and blue that Marion Jones was not a drug cheat...until of course she got caught by time itself and technology catching up.  

  2. I think overall we are doing fine in the Olympics and I am awed by what the human body can do. I think that any amazing athlete deserves their glory and its great to watch them suceed-yes I'd like to see us get lots of medals but to watch them run-well Dix did great and produced a great run next to the machine than won-he was amazing. So I give Dix credit and I think g*y was hurt and didn't want to let it go. The Jamacian won fairly and quite totally-good for him. Why should just Americans be upset at the loss? We still have Micheal Phelps and his group in swimming  and they are amazing too (I would kind of like the rest of the hard working athetes to get credit too)

  3. No roids in the US

    But I have tried some Jamaican Gold

  4. It sucks.

  5. i'm not american, but they should still be happy because Dix podiumed with a bronze medal

  6. Their Jealousy is building up as they saw this devastation coming by not even showing the races in the US. Must have been some social censorship so that America wont feel as bad when they lose the greatest event in the Olympics and instead tout their swim champ and gymnasts for 2 days straight showing constant repeats and not even mentioning tracks despite it being live.

    It also shows in their comments about how Bolt is on some drug, trying to steer their faults and cheating habits to us, the tried and true worlds fastest. Unless they want to say drugs are in the food we eat now, and try to ban our Jamaican cuisine and label our food as banned substances.

  7. jamacains suck,win a metal and all happy and chit,funny,must be ur only chance to win something,

  8. I just agree China is a rising country but still behide USA

  9. no need to mention get ***ed by Australians in the pool , Africans in long running and Chinese in the rest, lucky them have a Phelps

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