
How do they pick a jury?

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My wife went in for jury duty for a case against a guy who killed three people (including an infant) in a DUI case.

Since she we have a toddler is she someone they would want or would the Public Defender want to dissmiss her?

What are her chances of getting off?




  1. how DONT they pick a jury

  2. They will decide. You are probably right though, she'll most likely be dismissed. Then again, if the other people are worse.... lol

  3. depends on how she answers their questions...

    it could go either way

    It will be more important to know how she feels about Drunk Drivers

    It's difficult, if not impossible, to be biased in general..whether you have a small child or not....we all have children...(well most of us anyway)

    If it were me, I might ask to be excused...

  4. It depends.  If she feels there might be some kind of prejudice either way she'll probably get dismissed.

    I think one way to do it (get a free pass) might be to bring the kid to court and tell them you can't afford day care.

  5. they call all the people in and one by one they question them...if the lawyers say yes, they stay, if they say no, then they're gone...

    they have a certain number of people they call, if she has a really high number, (over 100) chances are she won't serve. Children are no excuse for not serving.

  6. Good luck.  I thought I was going to get off of jury duty because my boss was best friends with the Judge.  I was there for 5 days!!

  7. The defense will probably not want her on the jury, her chances are good!

  8. They want a good cross section of people and usually have them fill out a questionnaire. The best way to get off jury duty, is when asked about your opinion, tell the judge, " Your Honor, I have several friends who are police officers and I understand that when someone is arrested, they have to have probable cause. To me, that means these people coming to court are guilty of something or they would not have been arrested."

    In most criminal cases, the defense lawyer will dismiss you. Now, in a civil matter, that may not work as well, but worth a try.

  9. great question.  This link is VERY helpful

    I think your wife has a good chance of not serving however.

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