
How do u throw a curveball?

by Guest63988  |  earlier

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How do u throw a curveball?




  1. I would recommend you learn to throw an effective changeup instead.  The curve puts a lot of strain on your arm.

  2. Their is a bunch of sites with curveballs. Just go throught them and use which ever one works for you. Their are a lot of different ways to throw curves so just find the on that works for you.

  3. Curveball

    1.  Hold the ball with your middle and index finger along the far side. Where the seams are closest together, one finger should be on one side and the other on the other side (as if you are throwing a 2-seam fast ball).

    2.  Go into the same motion as you would when throwing a fast ball, but have your palm facing in, and stretch your arm back while very slightly bending your elbow.

    3.  Get on top of the ball by shortening up your stride, just a little.

    4.  DO NOT "snap" your wrist as many coaches will tell you to do. This will cause injuries. Instead, roll the ball off your index finger while spinning the ball with your thumb and middle finger.

    5.  Release the ball when your arm reaches a little bit past your head.

    6.  On the follow through, your arm should end up at the opposite hip.

    12-6 Curveball

    1.  To throw a 12-6 curve ball (a ball that drops from top to bottom), grip the baseball as you would a two seam fastball (with your index and middle fingers along the seams and your thumb on the bottom).

    2.  Slide your index and middle fingers over (while sliding your thumb down) until the seam rounds out, and stop.

    3.  Slide your index finger up next to your middle finger, and split the seam with your fingers.

    4.  Now slide your thumb up until you hit a seam, place it on that seam.

    5.  When you throw the ball, make a 90-degree angle with your forearm and shoulder, and pull down with your fingers and push up with your thumb.

    6.  Throw this pitch at under 70 mph. If thrown correctly, the hook will be so strong that catchers may have to stand up and then sit back down to catch it again. It makes a fool out of them and the hitters.If you want to get an even bigger drop out of your curve snap your wrist as hard as you can, because the harder the snap, the more bite on the ball.

    10-4 Curveball

    1.  To throw a 10-4 curveball (2-8 for righties), (a more traditional curveball), place your fingers along the seams again, like you would throw a 2 seam fastball.

    2.  Move both fingers to the left of the seams.

    When you throw it, put pressure on your middle finger, and turn your wrist outward (opposite for left handers).

    3.  If you throw it correctly, the ball will start up and in on the hitter, and then drop low and away.

    Good Luck!

  4. Start with a 4-seam grip, move your pointer finger next to your middle, then right before you release the ball snap your wrist to your left.

  5. Take your index and middle fingers and line them across the seams and in your release roll the ball from the palm to the tips of your fingers and snap your wrist.  But do NOT attempt until you reach the age of 16 or 17 you can do serious damage to your elbow and require surgery.

  6. you have to find a comfortable grip and throw over the top almost like throwin a football. if u get good topspin on the ball it will drop a good amount at the last second

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