
How do u use Earplanes?

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Do u wear them the whole time you are in flight or just on takeoff and when landing?




  1. There are easier ways to alleviate ear pressure.

    In fact, not everyone has a problem with the pressure changes in their ears. If you do however you'll want to know how to help.

    For take-offs and landings (the WHOLE way up, and starting from the BEGINNING, or TOP of descent), the best ways to alleviate ear pressure are to:

    *Drink something


    *Suck on hard candy or mints

    *Pinch your nostrils shut, take a deep breath in through the mouth, then (gently) blow as if trying to blow your nose

    *Place hot damp towels (usually like the ones distributed to first and business class before take-off and landing to freshen up with - just ask a flight attendant for them) or paper towels that have been soaked in hot water and wrung out, at the bottom of two paper or styrofoam cups, then hold the cups over the ears

    This last one is usually reserved for babies and small children, but can be used by anyone:

    *Gently but with some pressure, rub your neck repeatedly from the chin to the base of the neck. This will cause a swallowing motion that will relieve pressure build-up in the ears.

    If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

  2. OK,,, you mean earplugs right?

    I never wear them but if you were to wear them it would be during the entire flight for them to have any positive effect

  3. is that a new type of airplane?

    earplanes? who makes this airplane?

  4. Read the instructions on the box.

    I believe you wear them until sometime after you reach cruising altitude and put them back in for descent. All they do is slow the pressure change.

    I flew with a bad cold about 12 years ago and used a pair. They didn't do much good but they did some kind of damage to my ear canal as ever since then my ear canal has itched and is sensitive to wax build-up.

    And to answer a previous answerer, yes, you mean Earplanes. :-)

  5. It's hard to tell what you mean.

    If you mean earplugs, they are used to relieve noise stress, and you wear them from before engines are started until the completion of the flight.  They will have little or no effect on the sensation of changes in "air pressure" with climb or descent.

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