
How do we stop global warming ?

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I might not be wrong when I say that some people think the end of the world is coming.Do you agree?How are we going to stop global warming when noone cares?I don;t want to die.




  1. Well for one, back about 30 years ago everyone was concerned about global cooling- now it's global warming.

    Also by the fact that the earth does have natural global warming and global cooling cycles. 300 years ago there was a little ice age.

    around 1000 years ago the earth was alot warmer

    remember when those scientists found that fossil of lucy down like 100 feet below the waterline...that means that at one time the ocean was lower than it is currently.

    Many will claim that our climate is regulated by the sun and other factors that doesn't include humans.

    Also you shouldn't be too worried about CO2, why won't the government do anything about cattle. They are one of the largest producers of green house gases-many whom are worse than CO2..... such as nitrous oxide and methane.

  2. Well, i also believe that the world is coming to an end. It does say it in the bible. I mean look at everything around us. Everything is always happening everyday. It's a great awaken upper. I mean it's so disturbing to see all the chaos in this world. I think we all can do something to change this. But then on the other hand, it could also be too late. I would like our global warming to change. I just wish everyone else would be on the same page.

  3. Well, in America, the big risk within your lifetime may be widespread drought that cuts food production to critical levels.

    Having the sea levels rise would be inconvenient, but not catastrophic. We should have to move.

    We can know that we have set this spate of global warming in motion. And at the same time we can not know that undoing what we have done will stop this global warming. It is important to understand this, because it is key to understanding that if we wait too long, we may well have waited too long to stop it.

    If we fail  to recognize that time significance, we remove any sense of urgency. And yet  within this awareness comes a feeling of helplessness if we have waited too long.

    The most important thing we should plan and do, is not an individual action, but it is intended to deal with a consequence of global warming, major pervasive, widespread drought.

    Deal with that drought by storing vast quantities of water... not water to deal with cities needs, but enough also to irrigate our croplands, our forests, even our deserts.

    Now this sounds like a measure should we fail to stop GW. It is. But it has even more to do with stopping the growth of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    Only consuming the CO2 in the atmosphere is needed to complete the strategy of cutting emissions.

    Irrigation is needed so that plants can consume the CO2.

  4. who is "we"

  5. The problem of global warming is the most serious threat this country - and the world at large - has ever faced. This problem goes beyond petty differences, problems of economy, social issues, even beyond international conflicts and the war on terrorism. We are talking about the survival of multiple species on Earth, including the human race.

    Action must be taken now in order to reverse the effects of global climate change, both by direct action and by informing others of the problem and its seriousness. This needs to be accomplished on four levels. First, on the personal/family level; second on the local & regional level; third, on the national political level; and finally, internationally. All four of these levels must occur simultaneously.

    The first level - personal & family:

    Each of us must make energy saving changes in our lives, and convince our family and friends to do the same, so each of us takes personal responsibility for reducing our own CO2 footprint on the planet. How can we expect others to change, if we don't follow our own advice. We have an opportunity to lead by example. First, we must educate ourselves on the problem, and the steps we, personally, can take to solve it.

    Simple steps, like lowering our thermostats in winter, and raising them in summer; replacing regular light bulbs with compact florescent bulbs; using less hot water; insulating your home; turning off (and unplugging) electric devices not in use; walking, biking, carpooling or taking public transportation when possible; buying products that use less packaging material; buy locally grown foods and shop at your local farmer's market; buy organic foods; keeping the air in your automobile's tires inflated and the engine well maintained; and, of course, recycling, can make a significant difference.

    We can go even further than that. When we need to replace an appliance - choose one with an energy star label. When it comes time to buy a new car, look at buying a hybrid (or one that runs on alternative fuels, like E85). If it's available in your area, switch to green power, that uses renewable resources like solar and wind to provide electricity to your home - or if you can afford it, install your own solar panels on your home. Whenever you get a chance - plant a tree.

    The second level - Local & regional:

    We need to take what we do at home out into our community. Take these same energy saving tools to work or school. Not only inform and educate your coworkers about the climate crisis, and the things they can do o help, but encourage change in the workplace or school itself.

    Attend city council meeting, and write to the mayor and council members voicing your concerns and encouraging the switch to renewable energy. Work to break down the regulatory barriers that are preventing a wider transition to energy sources like solar, wind and biomass.

    Make your voice heard wherever you go. Bring it up in any clubs, groups and organizations you may belong to. If you lead any children's groups (scouts, ymca, etc.) incorporate what you have learned in your activities and lessons. make sure the next generation will carry on with this fight.

    On a personal level, we can direct our monetary investments to companies that are environmental friendly and/or into companies, programs and products that are trying to address environmental/climate issues.

    The third level - National-political:

    Now we get to making big changes. To do this, we all have to become politically active. I don't mean just vote. I'm talking about contacting your state and national representatives (assemblyman, congressman, senator and president) on every issue that relates to the environment and has an effect on climate change. Call them. Do it so much that they will remember your name. This can't be done by just a handful of people, it needs to be done by everyone. You may feel that it takes up too much time, that you don't have the time to spare, but you need to find it if you really want to make a difference. Democracy is not easy.

    Keep yourself informed and educated about the issues and bills/resolutions that are being voted on so that you can speak or write intelligently about the subject. When you write or cal, be concise. Convey all the information you need to in a clear, short message. A long rambling email (kind of like this one) would probably be largely ignored. For this to be effective, we must become louder and harder to ignore that the oil and auto lobbies.

    We must draw their attention away from the myth and distraction of hydrogen technology, which will not be available, cost-effective or viable for decades, and point out the technology that is available, and cost effective, now: hybrid engines, solar, wind, etc.

    We must convince those congressmen and senators who work for us to pass broad, sweeping legislation. The kind that would make a significant difference. For example, have all cars, from all automakers selling in the US, be hybrids by 2011. The technology is already there to put a hybrid in any size vehicle (Toyota has small, and mid-size cars as well as SUVs an Mini-vans that operate with hybrid technology - even if all of them are not currently being sold in the U.S.).

    We have to get our politicians to lead the oil industry into redefining itself. To help it move from "The Oil Industry" to "The Energy Industry". Our politicians have to guide them to develop alternatives to oil. We must guide our politicians to lead the oil industry into the future.

    The fourth level - International:

    This one will be the hardest. Writing to our representatives will not have as strong an effect on the problems occurring in other countries, because the voices of our Congressmen and Senators carry about as much weight on the international stage as our individual voices carry in our own country.

    This is the fight we can only begin to win by changing our own country first. America must become a leader in the struggle to reverse global warming, not just a half-hearted follower as we are now. We must get our politicians to recognize the problem and its significant consequences, work to change them, and then put pressure on the rest of the world to do the same.

    Your Prince has Spoken

  6. I don't at all agree.

    and don't're not going to die for goodness sake!  How will global warming kill us?

    You want to stop something that occurs naturally (last time it was the great Ice Age--be glad we're not having one of those!)

  7. there's a couple things.

    on a personal level, reduce your energy use.

    for many, that means changing their car use, since for many of us, our car is the largest user/waster of energy

    on a larger level, support the politicians that consider global warming to be the important issue that it is.

    as for those who say it's not happening, or it's a good thing, they might consider a couple things.

  8. geminy christmas  write a book why dont you prince vena serra x*x...  global warming has been going on for decades  even before we were concerned about it..  granted  we (in general) need to start respecting the earth more and not trashing it up and being wasteful. but we are not going to be dying anytime soon..

  9. I asked a similar question that is what are you doing to stop global warming? I got many answers, but the most important is that you start burning less fuel now.  One gentleman planted 986 trees. I personally started taking twice as long to get to work by taking an electric train half way to work, and bicycling the last 11 miles.

    Cuts over 40% will take new technology and time. The great news is that models show that a cut of about 20% world wide over the next 10 years could give us the time we need to bring the new technologies online.

  10. well according to Al Gore,

    we kill ourselfs. every single one of us.

        stop beliveing in this c**p. if the world didnt, change, we wouldnt be here.

       think of it like this,

    if we stayed babies forever and never grew old, we would be sitting around pooping our pants and nothing would ever happen. we would die rite where we started, and we would die fast.

           if the world didnt change, there would be no animals, no people, and plants wouldnt grow back once they died.

    if u are agreeing with me, go to my website,

  11. I read some of the previous answers, saying that there is nothing to be worried about, and that this warming trend is entirely normal.

    It is this mindset that is partly the reason why we are in the state we are in. The not wanting to do anything and the not wanting to accept that we are in danger.

    Ignorance is bliss. But we can't all be ignorant.

  12. We don't.  A little global warming would actually be a good thing.  Listen Chicken Little, the sky is not falling.  Even if man has played a part in bringing about global warming, it isn't going to kill you.  Why is that so hard to grasp by so many?  Humans are the only creatures on this earth that can be found living in almost all types of climate, without having evolved physically to be able to do so.  The number one thing we do best is adapt.  A little climate change isn't going to harm us.  We will adapt.  We have been doing it since our species first evolved, thousands and thousands of years ago.

  13. i think pple should start planting trees instead of cutting them...

    soo if u want to help use less energy and plant trees!

  14. well- a lot of people don't believe things until they happen to them- global warming seems like a sign from our creator we aren't living the right way- we have too many materials- tvs, cars, phones, airplanes, gadgets, houses, etc- the native americans never had to worry about global warming- a lot of these problems we face today are apart of the edomites- esau- the europeans coming to america to destroy the beauty of the lands- the only way it will stop is when yahweh comes back to earth to save his chosen people!

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