
How do wireless things work?

by  |  earlier

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I am wondering how wireless things work, like how does wireless internet work? How do the signals get sent so efficiently and why dont they mess up?




  1. wireless technology like WI-FI and bluetooth work very similar to radios and actually use a frequency similar to radios

    Broadband Wireless internet works by first of all an internet service being available down a phone line to the customer the customer and a splitter (to split the higher frequencies for internet and lower for phone) he could then plug his internet straight into a computer using an ethernet cable and phone into a phone, but instead plugs the ethernet cable into a router the router works like a transmitter and receiver it sends radio signals for download and recieves radio signals from the compuer for upload, the computer either has a WI-FI antenna built in or by use of a USB or Cardbus adaptor so that the computer can recieve and send WI-FI data, it is so reliable because the signal is sent several times rapidly to ensure it is sent and recieved and is checked for integrity by firmware built into the router

    Mobile braodband is essentially the same but uses the mobile network that has been modified (in mot of the UK now) to allow internet to be used on the mobile network a USB adaptor is required for recieving and sending of the frequencies of the mobile network but essentially it works in the same way just using a mobile network instead of a phone line

  2. It's like radio.But the frequency is 2.4 Ghz.The frequency is divided in channels.These don't mess up,the router send a beacon,each packet is signed.So you will receive all the packets on the same channel but understand only those that are for you.

  3. I'll try to keep it short and interesting.

    Effectively all wireless devices transmit voice or data by controlling or changing the electromagnetic radiation from a transmitter.  

    A receiver converts the signal into data or voice by decoding the changes.  (see radio link)

    The data doesn't get messed up if the signal strength is good enough for the receiver to do the conversion.  

    In the case of wireless Internet the data is sent in packets (see Ethernet link) with error checking information.  If your computer sees an error it will request the data again.

  4. Think of it this was. Free to air television. The stations don't interfere with each other do they? Well it's the same. Different networks talk on different channels so they don't interfere with each other.

  5. To cut a long story short, radio waves. Just like commercial radio stations, there are certain bands allocated to each application e.g. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cell phones etc and that prevents interference from other devices on the whole although there will always be some form of interference in crowded built up areas due to the sheer amount of devices. The ins and outs of this topic are far more complex than that but they all boil down to simple radio transmitters and receivers on different bands.

    Hope that helps

  6. It sounds like you are novice when it comes to wireless.  I really suggest staying away from it.  I use wireless in my house because I have a laptop I take around to different places in my house.  It works find for the most part.  Once in a great while it cuts out.  The real thing that drives me crazy is why we are not pushing this technology called powerline more.  Powerline is much more secure than wireless.  It is much more reliable.  You still need wireless for hand held devices like ipods and PDAs.

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