
How do you Indentify Illegal Immigrants?

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I have noticed that Illegals tend to be:

Smaller, Mestizo heritage plus lack of good nutrition.

Lack Social Graces (Invade Personal Space)

Tend to believe in Magic (Non scientific thinking)

Dont Speak English (Right I know)

What do you think?




  1. Wow, you should move out of LA and get your head out of your a$$

  2. All of the above..and then some.

  3. I certainly agree with you about the invasion of personal space.   I live in a triplex building and the Cubans next door help themselves to anything on my porch.   They do speak English, just not to me.   Thanks for the tip about the magic...    

  4. Your an idiot--the whole USA was founded on Illegal Immigrants. When the english came they were Illegal and the Indians should have deported their ***'s when they first came.  

  5. i'm not sure,but here is a true  account of what happened here in up state ny.. a bus load of immigrants on the way to pick lettuce tipped over in a small village. the villagers came out and buried about sixteen .. the sheriff arrived and asked what happened. the villagers told how they had buried the occupants of the bus. the sheriff asked did they all die. one villager replied a few said they were alive but you know how those people lie...

  6. Very simple, if I'm employing people,

    I ask them for DOCUMENTATION that shows they are in this country legally.  NO PROBLEM


  7. I think that you really need to order you "Acme Immigration Status Check Spy Kit" that everybody on here has. They all seem to know who's illegally in this country and who's not. They say  If you act now, you'll get a free gun rack for your truck.

  8. Sometimes, if you look real close, they can be seen scaling the fence at the border

  9. They're the ones who run when you shout "immigration!"

  10. They have "I" tattooed on their foreheads.

    I think your question says more about you than it says about illegal aliens.

  11. For me it is pretty easy. I own an apartment complex and when they come to rent, they have no ID.

    Their SS# does not check out when I run a credit check.

    Here in Phoenix they all seem to drive the same kind of cars.

    Sounds nuts I know.

    Plus they seem to live in the same areas as places like mine cannot rent to them.

    We demand paycheck stubs, Real ID and able to pass a credit and background check.

    This helps protect not only me, but my residents.

    Plus it complies with The Crime Free Housing Program.

    Plus it helps me find people when they damage my units or owe me money.

    Arizona has a bill working with a $250.00 per day per illegal if you rent to them.

    So for me, it is done the legal way.

  12. oh my god are you serious?!?

  13. I know some legals who lack social graces though.  This is nuts.

    I guess the best thing would be ask to see their green card.

  14. Being rude is not helping the immigration situation. Or maybe you were going for humor? Illegal  immigration is  a serious threat to this country. It effects every person (citizen) here. Unless you are an employerer or an apt manager why would you need to know?

  15. i think you are stupid~you know nothing about illegal immigrants and i will tell you this they are way better workers and a better person that you, you need to get a life

  16. After a while of seeing them, you learn to spot them through their appearance and actions. It's kind of like gaydar.

  17. I've noticed that border patrolmen seem to have no difficulty in distinguishing between Mexican Americans and Mexican Mexicans.

  18. They are always the ones at the front of the handout queues demanding everything and anything. The ones most likely to steal the pennies off a dead mans eyes

  19. I'm an immigrant and I believe that if we both were stopped by the INS, on most streets in America, I would be able to prove that I am here legally far more easily you.  I carry a card proving I am here legally. Most Americans do not carry their birth certificate, or their naturalization papers, or their passports.

    If you are picked up on the streets. and moved to prison how do you prove you are a U.S. citizen?  

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