
How do you Polish Tin?

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I have this old trunk and the tin on it is weathering pretty nicely. Any tips for getting it looking good again?




  1. Katie.  Your best bet is to use some very fine abrasive polishing compound - something like that used for cutting car paintwork would be ideal, as you sound like you have got a fair area to polish, and this is quite a cheap way of buying it.  Any car parts place or garage would be able to help.  In the UK there are loads of products - T-Cut, Farclar, Autosol (which is US I think).  Any of these will remove the oxidation layer and get you back to polished tin.  Simply rub on in a circular motion and polish off.  Best stuff to use is an old t-shirt as this wont break down as easily and leave bits all over the metal!  When you have finished, you could either laquer it (messy, and probably not worth it, and the laquer may not adhere to the polished tin and chip off) or simply wax it if you want to maintain the shine for longer.  

  2. first rub the rust and then colour

  3. Nevr Dull wadding, available in the auto section at WalMart or most auto parts stores. Takes some rubbing because it is very gentle, non-abrasive. Be aware that if it is Tin it will oxidize quickly to a sheen rather than a mirror finish. Just the nature of tin that it oxidizes quickly.  
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