
How do you become Ship Captain?

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Where do you have to go to school or what do you have to do to become one?




  1. You have to obtain a Coast Guard License to operate a ship. What type of ship are you talking about? Coast Guard License are classed by what tonnage the ship is. You can get a license from a small boat or 100 ton license up to an Unlimited tonnage license. Also some are Near Coastal or Oceans, So your license may look something like this 1600 ton Near Coastal, which means you are licensed to operate a ship or vessel 1600 ton Near the coast. For traveling over seas you would need an Ocean License, The quickest way to get a large set of license you would need to go through a Maritime Academy were you will do classroom work plus most academies has there own boats where you will have to get your sea time out on there boat. Most people I know work on tugboats and they start out as Deckhand, get enough sea time and sit for there license through Coast Guard approved schools. These people are called Hawsepipers, or people who start out at the bottom and work there way to the top, instead of going to an academy and coming out of it with a large set of license. Hope this helps

  2. There are a few Maritime Academies other than KP.  KP is free, but takes a nod from your local politicians to enter, just like entering the Naval Academy or any academy.

    Look at Texas A&M at Galveston; State University of NY (SUNY NY), Maine Maritime, Mass Maritime and California Maritime.  

    After graduating with a college degree you can this sit for your 3rd mates ticket and then you can work your way up.

    Good luck!


    They have all of the qualifications for the diferent captains licence. Class schedule & test schedule. Depends on what level you are looking for.

  4. There is the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point, NY where people are trained to be ship's officers. After you graduate and gain experience, most of them are promoted to ship's captains. It is mandatory to pass licensing exams to be a captain of a ship.

    There are other schools around the world.



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