
How do you clean your toliet?

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How do you clean your toilet give me step by step thanks




  1. I  use a toilet bowl scrubber

    Lysol toilet bowl cleaner

    Clorox disinfecting bathroom cleaner

    Paper towels

    rubber gloves


    1.Pour the toilet bowl cleaner inside the toilet bowl, let it disinfect for 10 minutes

    2.Once it has sat, take your clean toilet bowl brush and scrub it really good, everywhere and under the rim

    3.Let it sit for a couple more minutes

    4.Scrub really good again

    5.Spray down everywhere around the toilet, with the bathroom cleaner

    tank, seat, in and under the lid, around the ground of the toilet, just everywhere

    6.Either let it disinfect for 10 minutes or quickly wipe it with a paper towel. If you let it sit for 10 minutes, respray everywhere again

    7.Flush toilet

    4.Pour 409 or sometime of colored cleanser, and let it sit

    like Blue pine sol or purple fabulosa, the 409 I use is blue

    5.That way you know its cleaning

    All done

  2. First, I clean the toilet bowl (I use the basic clorox powder and a toilet brush) Put some of the clorox powder in the toilet, scrub, and flush.

    Then I clean the seat/exterior with clorox clean up spray and paper towels.

  3. Things You’ll Need:

    Gloves - if you are worried about getting germs on you

    Toilet bowl brush - any kind.

    Toilet bowl cleaner of your choice.

    Disposable rag or paper towel

    All purpose cleaner to clean the outside of toilet


    Gather up your toilet bowl brush, cleaner, all purpose cleaner and a rag. Once you have gathered up your tools necessary for the job, put your gloves on.


    Spray cleaner on top of the toilet. Wipe. Continue for the rest of the toilet making sure that you don't forget to clean the side of the tank and the bottom of the commode. Also, don't forget the back that faces the wall and the valve as these two places are often dirty and overlooked.


    Once the outside of the toilet is cleaned, make sure that you have cleaned the top of the toilet lid, the inside, the top of the inside bowl, behind the screws that hold the lid on the toilet and the front of the toilet.


    Now that the whole outside of the toilet is cleaned, you can either dispose of the rag or put in laundry. Either one desired.


    Put the toilet bowl cleaner inside the toilet making sure to get the underside of the bowl and all around the inside. Let the cleaner drip down the side of the bowl into the standing water before you scrub.


    Start from the back of the inside toilet and scrub vigorously around the whole inside of the bowl. Making sure there's bubbles from the soap and that you have not missed an area. Make sure you have cleaned even on the inside of the water.


    Once you feel you have clean all parts of the inside. Flush the toilet. As standing cleaner may ruin your porcelain. As the water is flushing use the water to rinse the brush out.


    Place brush back in the holder as to not spread germs. Take gloves off, dispose. Put cleaners back. You now have a clean toilet!


    You want to be sure to keep clorox or other bleaches out of your toilet. This is to protect from corrosion.

  4. lol


    pour hospital grade toilet disinfectant on the inner rims, give it a good scrub with the toilet brush and leave for a little while

    then flush

  5. With a clorox scrub brush.

  6. I roll up my sleeves and put on plastic gloves (you can buy a box of really cheap ones, about 30 gloves a box at Wal-Mart), pour bleach in the bowl, let that work it's magic a few minutes.  That pretty much kills all bacteria.  Flush.

    Clean the outside with Clorox sanitizing wipes.

    Then I clean the inside with one of those S.O.S. clean 'n' toss pads.  Make sure you get up around the inside of the rim, that can get nasty if you let it.  

    Then when I'm done I flush the pad down and take my gloves off, throw them away.  Then pour a little more bleach in the bowl, and let it sit until next time I go to the bathroom.  

    You may want to buy those tablets that turn the toilet water blue... that'll keep it clean a while longer.  Or just do what I do, and pour a little bleach around the inside of the bowl a couple times a week.  Keeps germs to a minimum.  Take care w/the bleach... don't let it splatter.  Or you'll ruin a lot of good clothes.  

    I don't waste time with toilet brushes, those gather bacteria.  I don't even bother with "disposable brushes"... with disposable pads you can insert on the end of a reusable plastic stick.  Those are flimsy, and you still have to keep the stick clean.   However, if you DO decide to use brushes, I would pour a little bleach inside the holder and place the brush in there, to kill bacteria.  Then dump it out after an hour or two.  

    Notice with my method, it's virtually all disposable, and you keep the amount of germs you get on yourself to a bare minimum.. esp. with gloves.

    EDIT:  Regarding bleach causing corrosion, as someone mentioned below, I have a hard time believing a little bit of bleach diluted in some toilet water would harm tough porcelain and pipes when it's okay to use on your clothes, and as a household cleaner.  It's not battery acid.  *hehe*  

    When I say I put bleach in my toilet, I'm talking like... half a cup.  Around the sides, with a disposable cup, and I let it run down the sides.  

    I found this link.  Apparently others use bleach as well:

  7. I use my OXO toilet brush (like a regular brush, just comes in and out of the holder easily and the brush part is hidden when not in use),

    But first I squirt toilet bowl cleaner all around the inside of the tank - as high as you can get it under the rim without touching the actual top part.

    Then I let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

    Then get your brush out and squirt a little more on the brush and scrub all around under the rim first, then around the inside of the bowl from top to bottom and in the hold at the bottom.

    Then I flush the toilet and rinse the brush off in the new water.

    Then I spray the brush with lysol and set it back in the brush holder.

    Then I use Lysol and paper towels OR anti-bacterial wipes and clean all around the tank, the top, the handle, the lid, the seat, the back of the seat, under the seat - then get a new wipe, and clean around the base, the area with the bolts, under the front of the bowl and on the floor around the bowl (especially if guys use the toilet and miss)...then throw the wipes or paper towels away.

    I like to keep a container of anti-bac wipes in the bathroom cupboard to clean off the seat and handle a couple times a week.  

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