
How do you cut a pepper?

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How do you cut a pepper?




  1. in half

  2. Cut in half top to bottom then each half in half again, then remove pips and white flesh. Then cut the pepper into smaller segments of required

  3. Grad it firmly and pull the stalk on top. It should come out with the seeds attatched. Then tip the pepper (with the hole in the top) upside down and pat it. When you look inside all the seeds will have gone :) Then just slice it into squares/strips.

  4. If you're asking about a regular bell pepper, I cut the top off, and then stand the pepper up.  (When you cut off top, the stem will automatically pull the seeds out.)  Then, cut down the sides around the veins, so when you are done, you have just the tip of the bottom, and the veins to discard.  For the top, I cut around the stem and end up with four more small pieces.  Discard stem as well.

  5. I've found that the best way for me is to hold the pepper by the stem with the bottom of the pepper resting on a cutting board. I slice off one of the peppers 4 sides (or one of its 3 sides, depending on the pepper) to get one large slice; then I rotate and continue slicing off each side. When you get to the last piece and you're just holding the stem, the seeds should be mainly intact in the middle of the pepper. It might be a little weird to get that last slice, but I've found this the most effective way to keep seeds from going all over or from having to cut the seeds out of every quarter of the pepper.  

  6. I cut it in half, take my hand and start scooping out the seeds. Then I cut it into tiny pieces depending on the type of food

  7. 2 Ways

    1 cut off end reach insuide to scoop out seeds and pith etc then cut flesh into rings if necessary cut rings in smaller pieces

    2 cut flesh around stem part until you have 4 or 5 pieces cut these into strips as desired

  8. use a knife divvy

  9. I make a circular cut into the top of the pepper, around the area where the seeds are attached. Then you can just lift the section containing the seeds out of the pepper and it's much less hassle to cut it up the way you want to :)

  10. i hold the stalk then cut away at the sides

  11. if it's hot, whatever you do don't rub your eyes afterwards - best even to wear gloves when handling the thing.

    I just tend to cut bell peppers into four pieces and then go to work doing juliennes - it's a tough veg and i like it nice and soft, so cutting it finely helps in the cooking

  12. First, lay it on a cutting board and cut out the top bit with the stem, then cut it in half, then repeat with the halves, etc, until you have thin strips. Then use the knife to carve away the seeds and inside portions.

  13. Use a carving knife and slice them into small segments

  14. Personally I use a chain saw

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